Callaeum reticulatum D.M.JohnsonCommon vine mostly hanging over slopes. Flowers yellow
Sechiopsis tetraptera DieterleSteep forested hills Vine in trees or tall shrubs, or climbing faces ...
Banisteriopsis pulchra B.Gatesbrushy roadside Vine high in shrubs; petals pink, with white margin, ...
Saxifraga mertensiana BongardMertens' saxifragesaxifrage de Mertensnorth slope Mt. Berthacrags in ro...
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C.E.AndersonCollected from top down to about 50 m.; Pendent woody vine. P...
Mascagnia tucuruensis C.E.AndersonRoadsides and cleared thickets. Vine sprawling and climbing; caly...
Hiraea celiana W.R.Andersonmixed montane forest slopes above lower escarpment Woody vine with yello...
Mezia mariposa W.R.Andersonon terra firma Vine on high tree, with yellow flowers
Tetrapterys dillonii W.R.AndersonSW-facing slopes near waterfall Vines; flowers yellow
Malaxis novogaliciana R.González ex McVaughoak forests near summits Scarce; Flowers yellow, in an u...
Pentaphragma integrifolium Merr.forest, moist slopes flower pale greenish yellow; herb
Lithospermum indecorum I.M. Johnst.Common in shaded situations on slopes. F.c. cream yellow
Tetrapterys cordifolia W.R.AndersonPlateau savanna Shrub 1m; petals yellow in bud
Stigmaphyllon paraense C.E.AndersonForest on low ground along river Scandent vine. Young fruit gre...
Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) GreeneScattered on drier, more open slopes. F. c. bright yellow
Galactia anomala LundellIn sandy pine uplands Herbaceous vine, climbing on grasses; fls. purplish
Sechiopsis tetraptera DieterleSteep forested hills Vine in trees or tall shrubs, or climbing faces ...
Banisteriopsis pulchra B.Gatesbrushy roadside Vine high in shrubs; petals pink, with white margin, ...
Saxifraga mertensiana BongardMertens' saxifragesaxifrage de Mertensnorth slope Mt. Berthacrags in ro...
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C.E.AndersonCollected from top down to about 50 m.; Pendent woody vine. P...
Mascagnia tucuruensis C.E.AndersonRoadsides and cleared thickets. Vine sprawling and climbing; caly...
Hiraea celiana W.R.Andersonmixed montane forest slopes above lower escarpment Woody vine with yello...
Mezia mariposa W.R.Andersonon terra firma Vine on high tree, with yellow flowers
Tetrapterys dillonii W.R.AndersonSW-facing slopes near waterfall Vines; flowers yellow
Malaxis novogaliciana R.González ex McVaughoak forests near summits Scarce; Flowers yellow, in an u...
Pentaphragma integrifolium Merr.forest, moist slopes flower pale greenish yellow; herb
Lithospermum indecorum I.M. Johnst.Common in shaded situations on slopes. F.c. cream yellow
Tetrapterys cordifolia W.R.AndersonPlateau savanna Shrub 1m; petals yellow in bud
Stigmaphyllon paraense C.E.AndersonForest on low ground along river Scandent vine. Young fruit gre...
Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) GreeneScattered on drier, more open slopes. F. c. bright yellow
Galactia anomala LundellIn sandy pine uplands Herbaceous vine, climbing on grasses; fls. purplish
Sechiopsis tetraptera DieterleSteep forested hills Vine in trees or tall shrubs, or climbing faces ...
Banisteriopsis pulchra B.Gatesbrushy roadside Vine high in shrubs; petals pink, with white margin, ...
Saxifraga mertensiana BongardMertens' saxifragesaxifrage de Mertensnorth slope Mt. Berthacrags in ro...