Pappobolus sanchezii PaneroMonocaulic shrub or treelet 2-3.5 m tall, ligules bright golden yellow, disk corollas yellow with black lobes, rar
Verbesina papasquiara Panero & Villaseñordisturbed Pinus cembroides-Juniperus-Quercus forest Perenn...
Piper viae-marginis Trel.Shrub about 6 ft. tall. Leaves light green above, paler beneath, rugose
Mallotus arboreus var. platyphyllus Merr. var. platyphyllus Merr.forest 50 ft., 10 in. diam.; flowe...
Pappobolus robinsonii Paneromoist forest, banks of small creek Weak shrubs 1-2 m tall, ray flowers ...
Pappobolus amoenus PaneroWeak shrubs 1-2.5 m tall, growing in wet forest. Ray flowers bright yellow...
Pappobolus decumbens Paneroremnants of moist forest Shrubs 0.1-0.5 m tall. Ray flowers golden yell...
Pappobolus ecuadoriensis var. lancifolius Panero var. lancifolius Panerodisturbed areas along the ro...
Paepalanthus macrotrichus var. puberulus Silveira var. puberulus MoldenkeCampo rupestre, solo arenos
Dendroviguiera splendens (Panero & E.E.Schill.) E.E. Schill & PaneroLarge shrub 3-5 m tal
Peixotoa axillaris C.E.AndersonCerrado Shrub ca. 1m tall. Co yellow. Fruit wings reddish
Cassia tetraphylla var. colombiana Desv. var. colombiana H.S.Irwinin thicket Shrub 3 m., lvs. dark ...
Haplopappus enormidens Moranopen areas, with Juniperus Much-branched resinous shrublet, to 3 dm hig...
Pappobolus sagasteguii (H.Rob.) J.L.Panero, determined by J.L. Panero (TENN) 1989Shrub to 2 m. stems...
Phyllanthus maguirei Jabl.Shrub to 0.3-2 m. high. Flowers yellow-green, fruit reddish; Frequen
Byrsonima krukoffii W.R.AndersonMatto Grosso state?; Shrub, in terra firma; fls. yellow
Verbesina papasquiara Panero & Villaseñordisturbed Pinus cembroides-Juniperus-Quercus forest Perenn...
Piper viae-marginis Trel.Shrub about 6 ft. tall. Leaves light green above, paler beneath, rugose
Mallotus arboreus var. platyphyllus Merr. var. platyphyllus Merr.forest 50 ft., 10 in. diam.; flowe...
Pappobolus robinsonii Paneromoist forest, banks of small creek Weak shrubs 1-2 m tall, ray flowers ...
Pappobolus amoenus PaneroWeak shrubs 1-2.5 m tall, growing in wet forest. Ray flowers bright yellow...
Pappobolus decumbens Paneroremnants of moist forest Shrubs 0.1-0.5 m tall. Ray flowers golden yell...
Pappobolus ecuadoriensis var. lancifolius Panero var. lancifolius Panerodisturbed areas along the ro...
Paepalanthus macrotrichus var. puberulus Silveira var. puberulus MoldenkeCampo rupestre, solo arenos
Dendroviguiera splendens (Panero & E.E.Schill.) E.E. Schill & PaneroLarge shrub 3-5 m tal
Peixotoa axillaris C.E.AndersonCerrado Shrub ca. 1m tall. Co yellow. Fruit wings reddish
Cassia tetraphylla var. colombiana Desv. var. colombiana H.S.Irwinin thicket Shrub 3 m., lvs. dark ...
Haplopappus enormidens Moranopen areas, with Juniperus Much-branched resinous shrublet, to 3 dm hig...
Pappobolus sagasteguii (H.Rob.) J.L.Panero, determined by J.L. Panero (TENN) 1989Shrub to 2 m. stems...
Phyllanthus maguirei Jabl.Shrub to 0.3-2 m. high. Flowers yellow-green, fruit reddish; Frequen
Byrsonima krukoffii W.R.AndersonMatto Grosso state?; Shrub, in terra firma; fls. yellow
Verbesina papasquiara Panero & Villaseñordisturbed Pinus cembroides-Juniperus-Quercus forest Perenn...
Piper viae-marginis Trel.Shrub about 6 ft. tall. Leaves light green above, paler beneath, rugose
Mallotus arboreus var. platyphyllus Merr. var. platyphyllus Merr.forest 50 ft., 10 in. diam.; flowe...