Erigeron scoparioides G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1988pine-juniper woodlands with many evergreen shrubs Rays white, maturing slightly lilac, no midstripe, not curling or reflexing. Common in clumps of palmetto. Rhizomatous
Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willdenowpointed broom sedge;broom sedge;swamp sedge;lance-fruited oval se...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. purpurascens (A.Gray) Greene subsp. purpurascens (Greenm) G.L.Nesom, deter...
Erigeron sp., whole plants. Family Asteraceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native
Erigeron caulinifolius G.L.Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1989Area of oak-pine with fir and scatter...
Erigeron potosinus Standl.Abundant on forest floor. F.c. white, tinged with rose
Erigeron zacatensis G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1990Grazed area with scattered, low, Fabace...
Erigeron tephropodus G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1998Oak forest with scattered pines, steep...
Erigeron rybius G.L.Nesomarea of white fir and doug fir in clearing and along edge of wood
Eriogonum umbellatum subsp. stellatum Torr. subsp. stellatum (Benth.) S.StokeBrushy hillside, junipe...
Erigeron pulchellus var. tolsteadii Michx. var. tolsteadii CronqustGrowing on rock ledge 250-300 ft ...
Erigeron astranthioides DeJong & G.L.Nesom, determined by D.C.D. DeJongopen, wet, mucky meadow abun...
Erigeron thrincioides Griseb.probable Isotype, This sheet contains Wright nos. 2822 And 2824; fl. wh...
Eriogonum atrorubens var. nemorosum Engelm. var. nemorosum W.J.Hess & Revealassociated with Quercus ...
Eriogonum encelioides Reveal & C.A.Hanson, determined by J.L. Reveal 1977Coarse rocky soil in mounta...
Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.Rocky Mountain junipergenévrier des RocheusesMount Ptolemy TrailT. Chishol...
Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willdenowpointed broom sedge;broom sedge;swamp sedge;lance-fruited oval se...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. purpurascens (A.Gray) Greene subsp. purpurascens (Greenm) G.L.Nesom, deter...
Erigeron sp., whole plants. Family Asteraceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native
Erigeron caulinifolius G.L.Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1989Area of oak-pine with fir and scatter...
Erigeron potosinus Standl.Abundant on forest floor. F.c. white, tinged with rose
Erigeron zacatensis G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1990Grazed area with scattered, low, Fabace...
Erigeron tephropodus G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1998Oak forest with scattered pines, steep...
Erigeron rybius G.L.Nesomarea of white fir and doug fir in clearing and along edge of wood
Eriogonum umbellatum subsp. stellatum Torr. subsp. stellatum (Benth.) S.StokeBrushy hillside, junipe...
Erigeron pulchellus var. tolsteadii Michx. var. tolsteadii CronqustGrowing on rock ledge 250-300 ft ...
Erigeron astranthioides DeJong & G.L.Nesom, determined by D.C.D. DeJongopen, wet, mucky meadow abun...
Erigeron thrincioides Griseb.probable Isotype, This sheet contains Wright nos. 2822 And 2824; fl. wh...
Eriogonum atrorubens var. nemorosum Engelm. var. nemorosum W.J.Hess & Revealassociated with Quercus ...
Eriogonum encelioides Reveal & C.A.Hanson, determined by J.L. Reveal 1977Coarse rocky soil in mounta...
Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.Rocky Mountain junipergenévrier des RocheusesMount Ptolemy TrailT. Chishol...
Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willdenowpointed broom sedge;broom sedge;swamp sedge;lance-fruited oval se...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. purpurascens (A.Gray) Greene subsp. purpurascens (Greenm) G.L.Nesom, deter...
Erigeron sp., whole plants. Family Asteraceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native