Bauhinia gigas LundellAdvanced forest; limestone hill Tree; height 15 to 40 m.; diam. 25 to 45 cm
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Bernoullia swietenioides GleasonAdditional material in fruit collection; Tree 180 feet high, with hi...
Pouteria fulva T.D.Penn.Terra firma; high forest Tree 80 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam
Bauhinia subrhombicarpa Merr.moist, level land, sandy soil Rare, woody, erect, scattered shrubs, cl...
Bauhinia apertilobata Merr. & F.P.Metcalfsilt, sandy soil, thicket Abundant, 10ft., climber, flower...
Bauhinia laui Merr.Rare on dry, gentle slope; thicket; sandy soil woody; erect; 2 m.; 5 cm.; fl. ye...
Bauhinia gypsycola McVaughprecipitous rocky slopes and ravines of gypsum and slate, in deciduous woo...
Bauhinia sericella Standl.Occasionally on river and creek banks, in forest shade. Tall vine. Flowe...
Pourouma mildbraediana Standl.Tree 70 ft. high, trunk 9 inches diam., terra firma, high lan
Lonchocarpus xuul Lundelladvanced deciduous forest "kanxuul". A tree, 20 ft. high, 3 in. diam
Pourouma isophlebia Standl.Tree 60 ft. high, trunk 7 inches diam., terra firma, high lan
Bauhinia fryxellii Wunderlinshrub to 1 m tall in cut-over field; flowers greenish; fruits green turn...
Vitex froessii Moldenketerra firma, high land, high forest "Jaruma da Mata"; tree 45 ft. high, 7 in...
[750] Bauhinia eilertsii Pulle Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 6: 269 (Pulle 1909 ). NOTE. — Known on...
Ormosia solimoesensis RuddFroes (Field no. 30; Krukoff no. 12078); Tree 35 ft. high, 5 in. dia
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Bernoullia swietenioides GleasonAdditional material in fruit collection; Tree 180 feet high, with hi...
Pouteria fulva T.D.Penn.Terra firma; high forest Tree 80 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam
Bauhinia subrhombicarpa Merr.moist, level land, sandy soil Rare, woody, erect, scattered shrubs, cl...
Bauhinia apertilobata Merr. & F.P.Metcalfsilt, sandy soil, thicket Abundant, 10ft., climber, flower...
Bauhinia laui Merr.Rare on dry, gentle slope; thicket; sandy soil woody; erect; 2 m.; 5 cm.; fl. ye...
Bauhinia gypsycola McVaughprecipitous rocky slopes and ravines of gypsum and slate, in deciduous woo...
Bauhinia sericella Standl.Occasionally on river and creek banks, in forest shade. Tall vine. Flowe...
Pourouma mildbraediana Standl.Tree 70 ft. high, trunk 9 inches diam., terra firma, high lan
Lonchocarpus xuul Lundelladvanced deciduous forest "kanxuul". A tree, 20 ft. high, 3 in. diam
Pourouma isophlebia Standl.Tree 60 ft. high, trunk 7 inches diam., terra firma, high lan
Bauhinia fryxellii Wunderlinshrub to 1 m tall in cut-over field; flowers greenish; fruits green turn...
Vitex froessii Moldenketerra firma, high land, high forest "Jaruma da Mata"; tree 45 ft. high, 7 in...
[750] Bauhinia eilertsii Pulle Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 6: 269 (Pulle 1909 ). NOTE. — Known on...
Ormosia solimoesensis RuddFroes (Field no. 30; Krukoff no. 12078); Tree 35 ft. high, 5 in. dia
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Bernoullia swietenioides GleasonAdditional material in fruit collection; Tree 180 feet high, with hi...
Pouteria fulva T.D.Penn.Terra firma; high forest Tree 80 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam