Licaria guatemalensis Lundellin high forest bordering arroyo "Laurel"; Tree, 5 in. diam., 35 ft. high, flowers reddish
Guatteria rhamnoides 389-90; tree 75 feet high; compare Rio Yaco - Rio Yac
Licania stewardii Prance, determined by G.T. Prance 1975low forest Tree, 5m. tall
Guatteria elata R.E.Fr.Tree 90 ft. high; trunk 15 ft. diam. Terra firme; high lan
Myrciaria ibarrae Lundellin low forest "Guayabillo" Tree, 4 in. diam., 30 ft. high, flowers white
Licania anisophylla Standl.Terra firma; low land. Tree 75 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam
Guatteria lawrancei 401-2; tree 15--18 ft. high, in open forest; petals green
Licania stenocarpa Standl.Terra firma; high land. Tree 55 ft. high; trunk 6 inches diam
Erythroxylum guatemalense Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2007high forest bordering the river Sh...
Panama, Cocle , El Valle de Anton, Hills north of El Valle de Anton. LAT(0)N. LONG(0)W. ALT 915 Bra...
Guatteria leiocarpa R.E.Fr.Shrub 30 ft. high; stem 2 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Costa Rica, Unknown , San Jeronimo de Moravia, LAT(0)N. LONG(0)W. ALT Cloud forest. Bracts red, f...
Aiouea guianensis Aubl., determined by A. Kostermans 1938Tree 25 ft high, with yellowish flowers. (r...
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Licaria coriacea (Lundell) Kosterm., determined by A. Kostermans 1937shady valley also on hill top i...
Eight new species of Lauraceae from Mexico are described and illustrated, namely: Licaria phymatosa,...
Guatteria rhamnoides 389-90; tree 75 feet high; compare Rio Yaco - Rio Yac
Licania stewardii Prance, determined by G.T. Prance 1975low forest Tree, 5m. tall
Guatteria elata R.E.Fr.Tree 90 ft. high; trunk 15 ft. diam. Terra firme; high lan
Myrciaria ibarrae Lundellin low forest "Guayabillo" Tree, 4 in. diam., 30 ft. high, flowers white
Licania anisophylla Standl.Terra firma; low land. Tree 75 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam
Guatteria lawrancei 401-2; tree 15--18 ft. high, in open forest; petals green
Licania stenocarpa Standl.Terra firma; high land. Tree 55 ft. high; trunk 6 inches diam
Erythroxylum guatemalense Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2007high forest bordering the river Sh...
Panama, Cocle , El Valle de Anton, Hills north of El Valle de Anton. LAT(0)N. LONG(0)W. ALT 915 Bra...
Guatteria leiocarpa R.E.Fr.Shrub 30 ft. high; stem 2 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Costa Rica, Unknown , San Jeronimo de Moravia, LAT(0)N. LONG(0)W. ALT Cloud forest. Bracts red, f...
Aiouea guianensis Aubl., determined by A. Kostermans 1938Tree 25 ft high, with yellowish flowers. (r...
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Licaria coriacea (Lundell) Kosterm., determined by A. Kostermans 1937shady valley also on hill top i...
Eight new species of Lauraceae from Mexico are described and illustrated, namely: Licaria phymatosa,...
Guatteria rhamnoides 389-90; tree 75 feet high; compare Rio Yaco - Rio Yac
Licania stewardii Prance, determined by G.T. Prance 1975low forest Tree, 5m. tall
Guatteria elata R.E.Fr.Tree 90 ft. high; trunk 15 ft. diam. Terra firme; high lan