Several of the essays were published by Mr. Bagehot in "Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen"; many others are republished from the National review, the Fortnightly review, the Contemporary review, and the Economist.v.1. Preliminary memoir. The first Edinburgh reviewers (1855) Hartley Coleridge (1852) Percy Bysshe Shelley (1856) Shakespeare--the man (1853) John Milton (1859) Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1862) William Cowper (1855) Appendix: Letters on the French coup d'état of 1851 (1852) Cæsarism as it existed in 1865. Memoir of the Right Hon. James Wilson (1860)--v.2. Edward Gibbon (1856) Bishop Butler (1854) Sterne and Thackeray (1864) The Waverley novels (1858) Charles Dickens (1858) Thomas Babbington Macaulay (1856) Béranger (1857)...