This is the first of three volumes which comprise Khvandemīr's well known and important general history, completed in 929/1523, which spans the creation of the world up to the death of Shah Ismāʻīl Safavī I. The work includes particularly detailed information about Herat under Sultan Husayn Bayqara, the last Timurid ruler in Herat, as well as Shah Ismāʻīl and Bābur's life. This work has been published in both Persian and English editions.Copy dated 26, Shaʻbān, 1025 / September 8, 1616. Scribe's name is not mentioned, but hand is identical to the second volume of this work, also in this collection, (Isl. Ms. 668) in which the scribe's name is mentioned in the colophon: Yūsuf [ibn] Yaʻqūb.ʻUnwān in gold, blue, and red; black-ruled gold margi...