At head of title: Program des K. Gymnasiums und der höheren Bürgerschule zu Stade ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.Filmed;No. 12 on a reel of 35 titles.Master negative: 91-80275-12
At head of title: Programm des Königl. Gymnasiums zu Chemnitz ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet...
Gymnasium program, Erfurt.Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.Filmed;No. 18 on a reel of 35 titles.Ma...
At head of title: Ad scholas quae in hac universitate Rostochiensi...invitant rector et concilium......
At head of title: K. Gymnasium zu Schneidemühl...XX. jahresbericht.Microfilm.Mode of access: Intern...
At head of title: Jahresbericht über das Königliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-gymnasium zu Berlin...Micro...
At head of title: Friedrichs-gymnasium und realschule. Jahresbericht ...Microfilm.Mode of access: In...
Ankündigungsschrift ... des K. Joachimsthalschen gymnasiums ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.F...
At head of title: Ad examen vernum in Gymnasio Luccaviensi concelebrandum ... invitant rector et mag...
Siebenunddreissigster jahresbericht über das K. Gymnasium zu Münster...Microfilm.Mode of access: I...
At head of title: Programm ... des Gymnasiums zu Trier ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.Filmed;...
At head of title: Programm des Gr.-Or. Ober-gymnasiums in Suczawa...Microfilm.Mode of access: Intern...
At head of title: Programm des K. Gymnasii Georgianni zu Lingen...Microfilm.Mode of access: Interne...
At head of title: Ad scholae Latinae in Orphanotropheo Halensi examen sollemne ... institvendvm ... ...
At head of title: Jahres-bericht über das Vereinigte alt- und neustaedtische Gymnasium zu Brandenb...
At head of title: III. Programm des Städtischen gymnasiums zu Wohlau...Microfilm.Mode of access: In...
At head of title: Programm des Königl. Gymnasiums zu Chemnitz ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet...
Gymnasium program, Erfurt.Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.Filmed;No. 18 on a reel of 35 titles.Ma...
At head of title: Ad scholas quae in hac universitate Rostochiensi...invitant rector et concilium......
At head of title: K. Gymnasium zu Schneidemühl...XX. jahresbericht.Microfilm.Mode of access: Intern...
At head of title: Jahresbericht über das Königliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-gymnasium zu Berlin...Micro...
At head of title: Friedrichs-gymnasium und realschule. Jahresbericht ...Microfilm.Mode of access: In...
Ankündigungsschrift ... des K. Joachimsthalschen gymnasiums ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.F...
At head of title: Ad examen vernum in Gymnasio Luccaviensi concelebrandum ... invitant rector et mag...
Siebenunddreissigster jahresbericht über das K. Gymnasium zu Münster...Microfilm.Mode of access: I...
At head of title: Programm ... des Gymnasiums zu Trier ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.Filmed;...
At head of title: Programm des Gr.-Or. Ober-gymnasiums in Suczawa...Microfilm.Mode of access: Intern...
At head of title: Programm des K. Gymnasii Georgianni zu Lingen...Microfilm.Mode of access: Interne...
At head of title: Ad scholae Latinae in Orphanotropheo Halensi examen sollemne ... institvendvm ... ...
At head of title: Jahres-bericht über das Vereinigte alt- und neustaedtische Gymnasium zu Brandenb...
At head of title: III. Programm des Städtischen gymnasiums zu Wohlau...Microfilm.Mode of access: In...
At head of title: Programm des Königl. Gymnasiums zu Chemnitz ...Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet...
Gymnasium program, Erfurt.Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet.Filmed;No. 18 on a reel of 35 titles.Ma...
At head of title: Ad scholas quae in hac universitate Rostochiensi...invitant rector et concilium......