This monography is devoted to the life annuity contract and maintenance contract is a valuable scientific work, of real originality, for the major institutions in civil law. We can distinguish the conscientiousness and depth of research undertaken by the author, which bases her analysis and scientific findings on a serious and extensive documentation, including not only treatment, training and monographs, but also relevant articles and studies published in professional journals and a relevant law courts, covering the doctrine and jurisprudence plan the attorney activities generated in recent years by the two contracts. Associate Professor Dr. Codrin Macovei 290maintenance contract, civil law, annuity contract
<p>Astăzi vânzarea la licitaţie este foarte des întâlnită în tot mai multe domenii, mai ales în medi...
The Romanian Civil Code regulates, in the IXth Title (Various special contracts) of Book V (About ob...
This study aims to present the vision of the Romanian Civil Code about the freedom of contracting. T...
Analysis of the Contract of Alienation of Property Subject to Lifetime Maintenance in the Context of...
The work is highlighted by the critical examination of the views expressed in the literature regardi...
Besides the established functions of the insurance, those regarding the prevention and the compensat...
The Life Insurance delineates de facto that specific contract through which the insurer, if given a ...
<p>În articol se întreprinde o analiză a corelaţiei dintre testament şi contractul cu privire la moş...
Gh. Tigaertj, A. Pai/tineanu, B. Bodnaresctj, Y. Stanescu, Contractele economice si disciplina contr...
The topic of thesis is the purchase contract. The goal was to give its complete description, as it´s...
Kljub obligacijskopravni naravi in ureditvi v obligacijskem zakoniku, ima pogodba o dosmrtnem preživ...
With the introduction of the of notary public into Serbian law, notary services are gaining more and...
The present diploma thesis, entitled: "Support contacts - comparative study". It compares two contra...
The essay is dedicated to the relation between lifetime contracts and contracts in general, particul...
Boilerplate contracts made by an entrepreneur Abstract The diploma thesis thematically focuses on an...
<p>Astăzi vânzarea la licitaţie este foarte des întâlnită în tot mai multe domenii, mai ales în medi...
The Romanian Civil Code regulates, in the IXth Title (Various special contracts) of Book V (About ob...
This study aims to present the vision of the Romanian Civil Code about the freedom of contracting. T...
Analysis of the Contract of Alienation of Property Subject to Lifetime Maintenance in the Context of...
The work is highlighted by the critical examination of the views expressed in the literature regardi...
Besides the established functions of the insurance, those regarding the prevention and the compensat...
The Life Insurance delineates de facto that specific contract through which the insurer, if given a ...
<p>În articol se întreprinde o analiză a corelaţiei dintre testament şi contractul cu privire la moş...
Gh. Tigaertj, A. Pai/tineanu, B. Bodnaresctj, Y. Stanescu, Contractele economice si disciplina contr...
The topic of thesis is the purchase contract. The goal was to give its complete description, as it´s...
Kljub obligacijskopravni naravi in ureditvi v obligacijskem zakoniku, ima pogodba o dosmrtnem preživ...
With the introduction of the of notary public into Serbian law, notary services are gaining more and...
The present diploma thesis, entitled: "Support contacts - comparative study". It compares two contra...
The essay is dedicated to the relation between lifetime contracts and contracts in general, particul...
Boilerplate contracts made by an entrepreneur Abstract The diploma thesis thematically focuses on an...
<p>Astăzi vânzarea la licitaţie este foarte des întâlnită în tot mai multe domenii, mai ales în medi...
The Romanian Civil Code regulates, in the IXth Title (Various special contracts) of Book V (About ob...
This study aims to present the vision of the Romanian Civil Code about the freedom of contracting. T...