Half title: Ayn-i Ali Efendi'nin Kavanin risalesi.In Turkish (Arabic script)Risalye-yi vazifeharan ve meratib-i bendegân-i Al-i Osman / Ayn-i ALi -- Düstür ül-amel il-islah il-halil / Kâtip Çelebi.Mode of access: Internet.With: Kâtip Çelebi merhumun teʼlifidir. [İstanbul] : Tasvir-i Efkâr Gazetehanesi, 1280 [1863 or 1864]. Bound together subsequent to publication
Cover title: Talim-i kitabet, yahut, Mükemmel inşa.Turkish in arabic script.Includes bibliographic...
Issued without set title; title from first piece."Kitaphane-yi Ebüzziya"--Title page.With: Cizvit ce...
Romanized record.Tables.Lithographed.In Turkish (Arabic script)Cover title.Mode of access: Internet
Turkish in Arabic script.Spine title.Kavaid-i Osmaniye / Cevdet Paşa. İstanbul : Matbaa-yı Osmaniye,...
Turkish in Arabic script.Also has title : Hazine-i fünûn tefrikasi hik|caye kismi.Bound with: Leyl...
Meclis-i Maarif-i Umumiye kâtib-i sani vekili Cemal Efendi'nin seyf ile kalem beyninde vuku bulan b...
Title from p. 3: Mürşid ül-varisin fi şerh-i ahval il-erbain.Turkish in Arabic script.Özege, M.S. Es...
"Kitaphane-yi Ebüzziya" -- Title page.Issued without set title; title from first piece.With: Mübahas...
At head of title: Meclis-i Mebusan, birinci devre, 1326-1327 ictimai.Turkish in Arabic script.Mode o...
Lithograph."Edebiyat ve kitabet-i Osmaniyeye müteallik kavaid-i kafiyeden bahis, muharrerat-ı resmiy...
Also has title : Gayet üd-dekayik der terceme-i zübet ül-hakayik.In Turkish (Arabic script).Mode ...
Cover title.[1] Mecmua-yı kavanin-i cedide-yi Osmaniyeden Umum-i emval-ı eytamın suret-i idaresi hak...
Spine title.Müntehabat-ı Hüseyin Remzi'den vesile-yi intibah. 1900 -- Metrukat-ı Hüseyin Remzi, 1899...
At head of title: Kavanin mecmuası.Turkish in Arabic script.Özege, M.S. Eski harflerle,Mode of acce...
Table of contents title: Kanunname-yi Ceza.Caption title.Turkish in Arabic script.Özege, M. S. Eski ...
Cover title: Talim-i kitabet, yahut, Mükemmel inşa.Turkish in arabic script.Includes bibliographic...
Issued without set title; title from first piece."Kitaphane-yi Ebüzziya"--Title page.With: Cizvit ce...
Romanized record.Tables.Lithographed.In Turkish (Arabic script)Cover title.Mode of access: Internet
Turkish in Arabic script.Spine title.Kavaid-i Osmaniye / Cevdet Paşa. İstanbul : Matbaa-yı Osmaniye,...
Turkish in Arabic script.Also has title : Hazine-i fünûn tefrikasi hik|caye kismi.Bound with: Leyl...
Meclis-i Maarif-i Umumiye kâtib-i sani vekili Cemal Efendi'nin seyf ile kalem beyninde vuku bulan b...
Title from p. 3: Mürşid ül-varisin fi şerh-i ahval il-erbain.Turkish in Arabic script.Özege, M.S. Es...
"Kitaphane-yi Ebüzziya" -- Title page.Issued without set title; title from first piece.With: Mübahas...
At head of title: Meclis-i Mebusan, birinci devre, 1326-1327 ictimai.Turkish in Arabic script.Mode o...
Lithograph."Edebiyat ve kitabet-i Osmaniyeye müteallik kavaid-i kafiyeden bahis, muharrerat-ı resmiy...
Also has title : Gayet üd-dekayik der terceme-i zübet ül-hakayik.In Turkish (Arabic script).Mode ...
Cover title.[1] Mecmua-yı kavanin-i cedide-yi Osmaniyeden Umum-i emval-ı eytamın suret-i idaresi hak...
Spine title.Müntehabat-ı Hüseyin Remzi'den vesile-yi intibah. 1900 -- Metrukat-ı Hüseyin Remzi, 1899...
At head of title: Kavanin mecmuası.Turkish in Arabic script.Özege, M.S. Eski harflerle,Mode of acce...
Table of contents title: Kanunname-yi Ceza.Caption title.Turkish in Arabic script.Özege, M. S. Eski ...
Cover title: Talim-i kitabet, yahut, Mükemmel inşa.Turkish in arabic script.Includes bibliographic...
Issued without set title; title from first piece."Kitaphane-yi Ebüzziya"--Title page.With: Cizvit ce...
Romanized record.Tables.Lithographed.In Turkish (Arabic script)Cover title.Mode of access: Internet