Vol. 5 edited by Phrankias Phournarakes.T. 1. Duo poiēmata theodōrou tou Prodromou, me makras sēmeiōsei kai pente pinakas.--T. 2. Glōssographikēs hulēs dokimion alphabēton prōtoi.--T. 3. Chiakēs atchaiologias hulēs, Dokimion neas metaphraseōs tēs Neas Diathēkēs Dialogos peri tou en Hierosolymois hagiou phōtos, kai to Peri tēs meta dōdeka aparithmēseōs.--T. 4. Alphabēton deuteron.--T. 5. Meros prōton Alphabēton triton. Pinakes tōs pente tomōn tōn Ataktōn.Mode of access: Internet
Edited by Adamantios Koraēs, whose Peri tōn hellēnikōn sympherontōn dialogos precedes the text....
"Katalogos tōn syndrometōn": v. 2, p. [550]-556 & v. 3, p. [655]-656.Cancel binder's directions mo...
t. 1. Hai Prinkēponēsoi -- t. 2. To Byzantion, hē Kōnstantinoupolis, kai ho Bosporos.Mode of acc...
t. 1. Apo tōn archaiotatōn chronōn mechri tou Peloponnēsiakou Polemou -- t. 2. Apo tou Peloponne...
Added t.p., engr.Prooimion.--Chronikon.--Ekthesis tēs homologias tēs pisteōs tōn Latinōn, syngr...
Hois prosetethē epi telous kai lexikon epitomon tōn en tois Hellēnikois syngrammasin apantōmenō...
Anetypōthē ek tōn tomōn KE'(25) kai KST' (26) tou Hellenikou Philol. Syllogou)Mode of access: In...
Bibliography: t. 1, p. x-xxiv.t. 1. Geōgraphia, historia, dēmosios kai idiōtikos vios.--t. 2. Hē...
Hai prōtai satyrai. -- Panorama tēs Hellados. -- Ho Periplanōmenos. -- Katoptron tou 1845. -- Poi...
Vol. 5, published by the Pravoslavnoe palestinskoe obshchestvo, has pref., biographical notice.Mode ...
Romanized record.[Bibliography]: t. 1, p. x-xxiv.t. 1. Geōgraphia, historia, dēmosios kai idiōtik...
Reprint. Originally published: Viennē : A. Benkos, 1845.Mode of access: Internet
Containing philloxera, ephthoropolos & Peri kokkoeidōn ... kai idiōs peri tou kokkinou kremeziou t...
"Apospasma ek tou 'Poikikou hēmerologiou' tēs despoinidos Katinas G. Ēliakopoulou."Mode of access...
Facsimile reprint by Kassandra M. Grigoris, Athens, 1966.In Greek characters, transliterated from Gr...
Edited by Adamantios Koraēs, whose Peri tōn hellēnikōn sympherontōn dialogos precedes the text....
"Katalogos tōn syndrometōn": v. 2, p. [550]-556 & v. 3, p. [655]-656.Cancel binder's directions mo...
t. 1. Hai Prinkēponēsoi -- t. 2. To Byzantion, hē Kōnstantinoupolis, kai ho Bosporos.Mode of acc...
t. 1. Apo tōn archaiotatōn chronōn mechri tou Peloponnēsiakou Polemou -- t. 2. Apo tou Peloponne...
Added t.p., engr.Prooimion.--Chronikon.--Ekthesis tēs homologias tēs pisteōs tōn Latinōn, syngr...
Hois prosetethē epi telous kai lexikon epitomon tōn en tois Hellēnikois syngrammasin apantōmenō...
Anetypōthē ek tōn tomōn KE'(25) kai KST' (26) tou Hellenikou Philol. Syllogou)Mode of access: In...
Bibliography: t. 1, p. x-xxiv.t. 1. Geōgraphia, historia, dēmosios kai idiōtikos vios.--t. 2. Hē...
Hai prōtai satyrai. -- Panorama tēs Hellados. -- Ho Periplanōmenos. -- Katoptron tou 1845. -- Poi...
Vol. 5, published by the Pravoslavnoe palestinskoe obshchestvo, has pref., biographical notice.Mode ...
Romanized record.[Bibliography]: t. 1, p. x-xxiv.t. 1. Geōgraphia, historia, dēmosios kai idiōtik...
Reprint. Originally published: Viennē : A. Benkos, 1845.Mode of access: Internet
Containing philloxera, ephthoropolos & Peri kokkoeidōn ... kai idiōs peri tou kokkinou kremeziou t...
"Apospasma ek tou 'Poikikou hēmerologiou' tēs despoinidos Katinas G. Ēliakopoulou."Mode of access...
Facsimile reprint by Kassandra M. Grigoris, Athens, 1966.In Greek characters, transliterated from Gr...
Edited by Adamantios Koraēs, whose Peri tōn hellēnikōn sympherontōn dialogos precedes the text....
"Katalogos tōn syndrometōn": v. 2, p. [550]-556 & v. 3, p. [655]-656.Cancel binder's directions mo...
t. 1. Hai Prinkēponēsoi -- t. 2. To Byzantion, hē Kōnstantinoupolis, kai ho Bosporos.Mode of acc...