v. 1. 3. ed. 1873. v. 2-14. 2. ed. 1865-73. v. 15. 1865. Les Apocryphes. 2. ed. 1866-67.Mode of access: Internet
In Sabin & Sons' American Bibliopolist, March, 1870, vol.2, no.3, p. 98-101; June & July, 1870, p. 1...
1. Les antiques. i. Eschyle. 3e éd. 1881. ii. Sophocle, Euripide, Aristophane, Calidasa. 1882.--2. L...
"A sketch of Shakespeare's life and synopses of Shakespeare's plays and poems." -- p. 1-16 (2nd set)...
v. 1. 3. ed. 1873. v. 2-14. 2. ed. 1865-73. v. 15. 1865. Les Apocryphes. 2. ed. 1866-67.Mode of acce...
Vol. 1-5, 8-9, 2d ed., 1876-78; v. 6-7, 1878; v. 10, 1873.Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Vol. 1: 6th ed., 1912; v.2-3: 7th ed., 1911-1913; v.4: nouv. éd., 1913; v....
t.1. Shakespeare et son oeuvre dramatique. Chronologie des oeuvres de Shakespeare. Bibliographie. He...
"First edition 1863 ... Third edition 1891 ... Reprinted ... 1919.Mode of access: Internet
v.1. Comedies -- v.2. Historical plays -- v.3. Tragedies and poems.Mode of access: Internet
Vol. 1-2, 4-5, 15-29, 31, 33-36, 1840; v. 3, 8-14, 30, 32, 1839; v. 6-7, 1837.Mode of access: Intern...
1.ptie. L'antiquité grecque et latine dans les oeuvres de Shakespeare.Mode of access: Internet
Vol. 1-4 dated 1810; 5-6, 1811; 8-9, 1812.With frontispiece. (v. 1)Shaw and Shoemaker,Mode of access...
v. 1-2. Comedies.--v. 3-4. Histories and poems.--v. 5-6. Tragedies.Mode of access: Internet
I. Les antiques: Eschyle. -- II. Les antiques: Sophocle. Euripide. Aristophane. Calidasa. -- III. Le...
Editor: Wilhelm Vietor.1. King Lear. rev. ed. 1892.--2. Hamlet. 1891.--3. King Henry V. 1908.Mode of...
In Sabin & Sons' American Bibliopolist, March, 1870, vol.2, no.3, p. 98-101; June & July, 1870, p. 1...
1. Les antiques. i. Eschyle. 3e éd. 1881. ii. Sophocle, Euripide, Aristophane, Calidasa. 1882.--2. L...
"A sketch of Shakespeare's life and synopses of Shakespeare's plays and poems." -- p. 1-16 (2nd set)...
v. 1. 3. ed. 1873. v. 2-14. 2. ed. 1865-73. v. 15. 1865. Les Apocryphes. 2. ed. 1866-67.Mode of acce...
Vol. 1-5, 8-9, 2d ed., 1876-78; v. 6-7, 1878; v. 10, 1873.Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Vol. 1: 6th ed., 1912; v.2-3: 7th ed., 1911-1913; v.4: nouv. éd., 1913; v....
t.1. Shakespeare et son oeuvre dramatique. Chronologie des oeuvres de Shakespeare. Bibliographie. He...
"First edition 1863 ... Third edition 1891 ... Reprinted ... 1919.Mode of access: Internet
v.1. Comedies -- v.2. Historical plays -- v.3. Tragedies and poems.Mode of access: Internet
Vol. 1-2, 4-5, 15-29, 31, 33-36, 1840; v. 3, 8-14, 30, 32, 1839; v. 6-7, 1837.Mode of access: Intern...
1.ptie. L'antiquité grecque et latine dans les oeuvres de Shakespeare.Mode of access: Internet
Vol. 1-4 dated 1810; 5-6, 1811; 8-9, 1812.With frontispiece. (v. 1)Shaw and Shoemaker,Mode of access...
v. 1-2. Comedies.--v. 3-4. Histories and poems.--v. 5-6. Tragedies.Mode of access: Internet
I. Les antiques: Eschyle. -- II. Les antiques: Sophocle. Euripide. Aristophane. Calidasa. -- III. Le...
Editor: Wilhelm Vietor.1. King Lear. rev. ed. 1892.--2. Hamlet. 1891.--3. King Henry V. 1908.Mode of...
In Sabin & Sons' American Bibliopolist, March, 1870, vol.2, no.3, p. 98-101; June & July, 1870, p. 1...
1. Les antiques. i. Eschyle. 3e éd. 1881. ii. Sophocle, Euripide, Aristophane, Calidasa. 1882.--2. L...
"A sketch of Shakespeare's life and synopses of Shakespeare's plays and poems." -- p. 1-16 (2nd set)...