Translation of: Protestantismo comparado con el catolicismo.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Juden und Katholiken in Osterreich-Ungarn.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of Exposition de la doctrine de l'Eglise catholique sur les matières de controverse.Mode...
Translated from "Lorbe cattolico à Pio IX, esulante da Roma." etcMode of access: Internet
Translation of El protestantismo comparado con el catolicismo.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Il protestantesimo e la regola di fede.Includes bibliographical references and index...
Translation of: History of the Protestant Reformation in England & Ireland.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of Du Protestanisme et de toutes les hérésies dans leur rapport avec le socialisme.Mode ...
Edited from the English translation of C.J. Hanford and Robert Kershaw.Translation of: El protestant...
Translation of: Appeal of a protestant to the Pope to restore the law of nations.Mode of access: Int...
Precede al tít.: El tercer jubileo del Santo Concilio de Trento.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: De l'avenir des peuples catholiques.Includes bibliographical references.Mode of acce...
Translation of Persécution et souffrances de l'Eglise catholique en Russie.Mode of access: Internet
Translated into English under title: Handbook to the controversy with Rome.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Dante et la philosophie catholique au treizième siècle.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Dissertatio theologica de conversione peccatoris.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Juden und Katholiken in Osterreich-Ungarn.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of Exposition de la doctrine de l'Eglise catholique sur les matières de controverse.Mode...
Translated from "Lorbe cattolico à Pio IX, esulante da Roma." etcMode of access: Internet
Translation of El protestantismo comparado con el catolicismo.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Il protestantesimo e la regola di fede.Includes bibliographical references and index...
Translation of: History of the Protestant Reformation in England & Ireland.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of Du Protestanisme et de toutes les hérésies dans leur rapport avec le socialisme.Mode ...
Edited from the English translation of C.J. Hanford and Robert Kershaw.Translation of: El protestant...
Translation of: Appeal of a protestant to the Pope to restore the law of nations.Mode of access: Int...
Precede al tít.: El tercer jubileo del Santo Concilio de Trento.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: De l'avenir des peuples catholiques.Includes bibliographical references.Mode of acce...
Translation of Persécution et souffrances de l'Eglise catholique en Russie.Mode of access: Internet
Translated into English under title: Handbook to the controversy with Rome.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Dante et la philosophie catholique au treizième siècle.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Dissertatio theologica de conversione peccatoris.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of: Juden und Katholiken in Osterreich-Ungarn.Mode of access: Internet
Translation of Exposition de la doctrine de l'Eglise catholique sur les matières de controverse.Mode...
Translated from "Lorbe cattolico à Pio IX, esulante da Roma." etcMode of access: Internet