A lexicon of the Arabic language, with his notes and introduction; on the margin a treatise entitled al-Wishāh, by ʻAbd al-Rahmān ibn ʻAbd al-Azīz al-Maghribī defending the Siḥāh against the strictures of al-Fīrūzābādī.Mode of access: Internet
al-Abyārī's glossary on al-ʻIdwī's commentary on an anon. treatise entitled ʻAqāid ahl al-sunnah.On ...
Translated from Persian into Arabic by Sayf al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Kashmīrī.Mode of access: Internet
Contains Al-raḥmat al-ghait̲iyat, a life of al-Lait̲ ibn Saʻd, and Tawālī al-taʾsīs, a life of t...
al-ʻUtbi's Al-tārīkh al-yamīnī is printed on the margins.Arabic.Mode of access: Internet
Gloss on Jāmī's al-Fawāʼid al-Ḍiyāʼīyah, which is itself a commentary of Ibn al-Ḥājib's Kāf...
Followed by M. Shāh's al-Qawl al-sadīd fī wujūb al-taqlīd (in Arabic, p. 160 - end).On the marg...
On the margins Sharḥ al-Raḥbīyah by Sibṭ al-Mārdīnī.Mode of access: Internet
Text in Arabic.In the margins.--Taʼrif al-ahyāʼ bi-fadāʼil al-Ihyā [by] ʼAbd al-Qādir al-ʼAydarūs.--...
Mode of access: Internet.With: Author's al-Durr al-sanī. -- al-Dilāi. Natījat al-tahqīq. -- Ibn ...
In Arabic.Romanized.Includes bibliographical references pages 4-7 (1st group).Mode of access: Intern...
On the margins: Commentary by Muḥammad ʻAlī al-Rāfiʻī al-Ṭarābulusī.Mode of access: Internet
Some manuscripts name ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Miṣrī, d. 1664? as author. Cf. Brockelmann GAL,S2:...
Added t. p.: al-Mufaṣṣal fī al-naḥw, lil-malāmah al-Zamakhsharī.Mode of access: Internet
Attributed also to Muhammad ibn Mūsa, al-Khuwārazmi, fl. ca., 825. cf. Britain mus. Catalogue of the...
Translated into Arabic by Rafīq bey al-ʻAẓm and Ḥaqqī bey al-ʻAẓm.Mode of access: Internet
al-Abyārī's glossary on al-ʻIdwī's commentary on an anon. treatise entitled ʻAqāid ahl al-sunnah.On ...
Translated from Persian into Arabic by Sayf al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Kashmīrī.Mode of access: Internet
Contains Al-raḥmat al-ghait̲iyat, a life of al-Lait̲ ibn Saʻd, and Tawālī al-taʾsīs, a life of t...
al-ʻUtbi's Al-tārīkh al-yamīnī is printed on the margins.Arabic.Mode of access: Internet
Gloss on Jāmī's al-Fawāʼid al-Ḍiyāʼīyah, which is itself a commentary of Ibn al-Ḥājib's Kāf...
Followed by M. Shāh's al-Qawl al-sadīd fī wujūb al-taqlīd (in Arabic, p. 160 - end).On the marg...
On the margins Sharḥ al-Raḥbīyah by Sibṭ al-Mārdīnī.Mode of access: Internet
Text in Arabic.In the margins.--Taʼrif al-ahyāʼ bi-fadāʼil al-Ihyā [by] ʼAbd al-Qādir al-ʼAydarūs.--...
Mode of access: Internet.With: Author's al-Durr al-sanī. -- al-Dilāi. Natījat al-tahqīq. -- Ibn ...
In Arabic.Romanized.Includes bibliographical references pages 4-7 (1st group).Mode of access: Intern...
On the margins: Commentary by Muḥammad ʻAlī al-Rāfiʻī al-Ṭarābulusī.Mode of access: Internet
Some manuscripts name ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Miṣrī, d. 1664? as author. Cf. Brockelmann GAL,S2:...
Added t. p.: al-Mufaṣṣal fī al-naḥw, lil-malāmah al-Zamakhsharī.Mode of access: Internet
Attributed also to Muhammad ibn Mūsa, al-Khuwārazmi, fl. ca., 825. cf. Britain mus. Catalogue of the...
Translated into Arabic by Rafīq bey al-ʻAẓm and Ḥaqqī bey al-ʻAẓm.Mode of access: Internet
al-Abyārī's glossary on al-ʻIdwī's commentary on an anon. treatise entitled ʻAqāid ahl al-sunnah.On ...
Translated from Persian into Arabic by Sayf al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Kashmīrī.Mode of access: Internet
Contains Al-raḥmat al-ghait̲iyat, a life of al-Lait̲ ibn Saʻd, and Tawālī al-taʾsīs, a life of t...