"The novel is set in the years leading up to the first battles of the U.S. Civil War, mostly in the divided state of Missouri. It follows the fortunes of young Stephen Brice, a man with Union and abolitionist sympathies, and his involvement with a Southern family."--Wikipedia."The novel is set in the years leading up to the first battles of the U.S. Civil War, mostly in the divided state of Missouri. It follows the fortunes of young Stephen Brice, a man with Union and abolitionist sympathies, and his involvement with a Southern family."--Wikipedia.Mode of access: Internet
Irreconcilable differences On the fast track to war Eric Walther\u27s recent publication, The Shat...
Recent historians have argued that the American Civil War was a relatively restrained conflict compa...
Every moment in human history can be characterized by someone as “socially and politically charged.”...
Missouri Mean is a novel that explores the rampant guerrilla fighting that occurred in Missouri duri...
Xerox copy.Essays originally printed in the Charleston Mercury.Mode of access: Internet
This book chapter was published in The Antebellum Press, the Civil War, and Freedom of Expression
"The admission of Missouri to the Union quickly became a constitutional crisis of the first order, i...
Title varies: v. 2, The American conflict ... 1860-'65. Hartford, Pub. by O. D. Case & company, 1866...
Explains how fugitive slaves escaping from the South to the northern states awakened northerners to ...
Printed for the "Central Committee of the Society of Friends for the Relief of the Emancipated Slave...
The political crisis of the Union—the means by which unity and comity disintegrated and the American...
No. I dated: December 23, 1776; no. XVI: December 9, 1783.Each no. signed: Common sense.Mode of acce...
Cause for concern The approaching crisis What caused the Civil War? That question seems simple to...
A novel may reflect the political interests and actions of the author. The author can make a story t...
By Howard Bahr (Henry Holt hardcover, $25.00, ISBN: 0805067396, 7/2006; Picador paperback, $14.00, I...
Irreconcilable differences On the fast track to war Eric Walther\u27s recent publication, The Shat...
Recent historians have argued that the American Civil War was a relatively restrained conflict compa...
Every moment in human history can be characterized by someone as “socially and politically charged.”...
Missouri Mean is a novel that explores the rampant guerrilla fighting that occurred in Missouri duri...
Xerox copy.Essays originally printed in the Charleston Mercury.Mode of access: Internet
This book chapter was published in The Antebellum Press, the Civil War, and Freedom of Expression
"The admission of Missouri to the Union quickly became a constitutional crisis of the first order, i...
Title varies: v. 2, The American conflict ... 1860-'65. Hartford, Pub. by O. D. Case & company, 1866...
Explains how fugitive slaves escaping from the South to the northern states awakened northerners to ...
Printed for the "Central Committee of the Society of Friends for the Relief of the Emancipated Slave...
The political crisis of the Union—the means by which unity and comity disintegrated and the American...
No. I dated: December 23, 1776; no. XVI: December 9, 1783.Each no. signed: Common sense.Mode of acce...
Cause for concern The approaching crisis What caused the Civil War? That question seems simple to...
A novel may reflect the political interests and actions of the author. The author can make a story t...
By Howard Bahr (Henry Holt hardcover, $25.00, ISBN: 0805067396, 7/2006; Picador paperback, $14.00, I...
Irreconcilable differences On the fast track to war Eric Walther\u27s recent publication, The Shat...
Recent historians have argued that the American Civil War was a relatively restrained conflict compa...
Every moment in human history can be characterized by someone as “socially and politically charged.”...