Study of the lichen flora and vegetation of the eastern end of the Sierra de Cartagena (SE of Spain). These abrupt and dry hills of more or less consistent schists give shelter to a lichen flora rich in thermophilic species (xeromacaronesis species). Some of them find here their northern limit: Acarospora charidema, Rhizocarpon lusitanicum, Ramalina bourgeana, R. clementeana, Dimelaena radiata.Some communities have been recognized: Xantorietum resendei diploicietosum subas. nov. and Acarosporetum charidemi, on sunny surfaces, Pertusarietum-gallicae, on shady surfaces, a Com. of Dirina schistosa and Roccella phycopsis, on overhangs, and a Com. of Solenopso ra holophaea, on tender, shady and eutrophic schists. A cathalogus of the 61 species f...
As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spai...
Some calcicolous lichens from Natural Park of Grazalema (Andalucía, S of Spain). Floristic resultats...
The results of a study on the diversity of saxicolous lichens in Montes de Toledo are presented. In ...
Study of the lichen flora and vegetation of the eastern end of the Sierra de Cartagena (SE of Spain)...
Study of the lichen flora and vegetation of the eastern end of the Sierra de Cartagena (SE of Spain)...
This study contains the results of a survey based on 200 relevés made, following the methodology of ...
A study of the saxicolous lichen flora of the calcareous rocky áreas of the Basque Country (Spain) i...
Floristic, chorologic data are given about the 165 taxa of calcicolous lichens found by the authors ...
Floristic and phytosociological study of the lichens in a group of noncalcareous outcrops on the Tra...
Floristic results of research on lichens in the NW of Murcia, on calcareous rock and soil. 108 speci...
[ES] Se realiza el análisis fitogeográfico de la flora liquénica de las rocas silíceas de la Sierra ...
Contribution to the lichen flora of the Peñones de San Francisco (Sierra Nevada), an abrupt edge of ...
The ombrophobic saxicolous lichen communities in the coastal SE Spain, between the Penyal d'Ifac (Al...
The authors are grateful to the Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Andalucía ...
Como resultado de la exploración liquenológica efectuada por la SEL (Sociedad Española de Liquenolog...
As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spai...
Some calcicolous lichens from Natural Park of Grazalema (Andalucía, S of Spain). Floristic resultats...
The results of a study on the diversity of saxicolous lichens in Montes de Toledo are presented. In ...
Study of the lichen flora and vegetation of the eastern end of the Sierra de Cartagena (SE of Spain)...
Study of the lichen flora and vegetation of the eastern end of the Sierra de Cartagena (SE of Spain)...
This study contains the results of a survey based on 200 relevés made, following the methodology of ...
A study of the saxicolous lichen flora of the calcareous rocky áreas of the Basque Country (Spain) i...
Floristic, chorologic data are given about the 165 taxa of calcicolous lichens found by the authors ...
Floristic and phytosociological study of the lichens in a group of noncalcareous outcrops on the Tra...
Floristic results of research on lichens in the NW of Murcia, on calcareous rock and soil. 108 speci...
[ES] Se realiza el análisis fitogeográfico de la flora liquénica de las rocas silíceas de la Sierra ...
Contribution to the lichen flora of the Peñones de San Francisco (Sierra Nevada), an abrupt edge of ...
The ombrophobic saxicolous lichen communities in the coastal SE Spain, between the Penyal d'Ifac (Al...
The authors are grateful to the Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Andalucía ...
Como resultado de la exploración liquenológica efectuada por la SEL (Sociedad Española de Liquenolog...
As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spai...
Some calcicolous lichens from Natural Park of Grazalema (Andalucía, S of Spain). Floristic resultats...
The results of a study on the diversity of saxicolous lichens in Montes de Toledo are presented. In ...