Head injuries are prevalent in collegiate athletics with concussions being common among contact sports, such as football. Concussion assessment and diagnosis is complicated by the lack of objective and assessment techniques. The purpose of the study was to determine if there is a relationship between the level of a concussion-related biomarker, self-report (subjective) head hits, video-analyzed head hits, and ImPACT test scores in college football athletes before and after a football practice session. After being recruited and consented to participate, 29 Division I college football athletes provided a blood sample via finger stick two days before a 2014 spring football season practice and within within 4 hours post-practice. The blood samp...
PurposeThis study compares the frequency and severity of head impacts sustained by football players ...
Studies of football athletes have implicated repetitive head impact exposure in the onset of cogniti...
Background: Gaining a better understanding of head impact exposures may lead to better comprehension...
Background: A continued interest in concussion biomarkers makes the eventual implementation of ident...
Astrocyte-enriched marker, S100B, shows promise for gauging the severity of acute brain trauma, and ...
OBJECTIVEThis prospective observational cohort study of high-school football athletes was performed ...
A single head impact in sport can cause an acute concussion, whereas repetitive head impacts are sus...
Astrocyte-enriched marker, S100B, shows promise for gauging the severity of acute brain trauma, and ...
Background: The on-field diagnosis of sports-related concussion (SRC) is complicated by the lack of ...
The acknowledgement of risks for traumatic brain injury in American football players has prompted st...
This study compares the frequency and severity of head impacts sustained by football players on days...
Introduction: Repetitive subconcussive head impacts in contact/collision sports such as in US footba...
Despite being underreported, American football boasts the highest incidence of concussion among all ...
<div><p>The acknowledgement of risks for traumatic brain injury in American football players has pro...
Repetitive subconcussive impacts to the head are commonplace in soccer. The ability to detect the ex...
PurposeThis study compares the frequency and severity of head impacts sustained by football players ...
Studies of football athletes have implicated repetitive head impact exposure in the onset of cogniti...
Background: Gaining a better understanding of head impact exposures may lead to better comprehension...
Background: A continued interest in concussion biomarkers makes the eventual implementation of ident...
Astrocyte-enriched marker, S100B, shows promise for gauging the severity of acute brain trauma, and ...
OBJECTIVEThis prospective observational cohort study of high-school football athletes was performed ...
A single head impact in sport can cause an acute concussion, whereas repetitive head impacts are sus...
Astrocyte-enriched marker, S100B, shows promise for gauging the severity of acute brain trauma, and ...
Background: The on-field diagnosis of sports-related concussion (SRC) is complicated by the lack of ...
The acknowledgement of risks for traumatic brain injury in American football players has prompted st...
This study compares the frequency and severity of head impacts sustained by football players on days...
Introduction: Repetitive subconcussive head impacts in contact/collision sports such as in US footba...
Despite being underreported, American football boasts the highest incidence of concussion among all ...
<div><p>The acknowledgement of risks for traumatic brain injury in American football players has pro...
Repetitive subconcussive impacts to the head are commonplace in soccer. The ability to detect the ex...
PurposeThis study compares the frequency and severity of head impacts sustained by football players ...
Studies of football athletes have implicated repetitive head impact exposure in the onset of cogniti...
Background: Gaining a better understanding of head impact exposures may lead to better comprehension...