Evaluation of possible temperature fluctuations from proposed power modifications at Hoover Dam

  • Paulson, Larry J.
  • Baker, John R.
  • U.S. Water and Power Resources Service
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Publication date
March 1980
Digital Scholarship@UNLV


There are several planned alternatives for increasing the generation capacity of Hoover Dam to help meet peak power demands. These alternatives include: (a) uprating the existing generating units, (b) replacing or adding one or more generating units and (c) adding reversible pumped-storage hydroelectric units. Since the existing generators are at the end of their economic life and have to be replaced, their uprating has been scheduled as routine maintenance. This will increase the generating capacity of the Hoover Dam powerplant from 1240 MW to 1810 MW, but the anticipated capacity for meeting power demand is 2300 MW. Therefore, modifications (alternatives B and C) are also being considered to obtain an additional 500 MW from Hoover Dam. Th...

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