The purpose of this study was to determine whether people have a limited self-control ability. Past research has shown that when people controls themselves they are worse at controlling themselve afterwards. So, for instance, if you're dieting and have to inhibit the impulse to eat cake in front of you, you would be less able to regulate yourself afterwards if you encountered another temptation.. The most popular explanation for this finding is that people have a limited amount of self-control resources that become depleted with use. Self-control is like a fuel or muscle that becomes worn out over time. We were interested in testing whether people become worse at self-control after previously using it because they are unwilling to do so and...
People break diets, procrastinate in the face of looming deadlines, imbibe too much alcohol the nigh...
Exertion of self-control produces distinct motivational consequences: the motivation to conserve ene...
The strength model of self control suggests exerting self-control consumes an energy resource that i...
Research has found that individuals who are lower in self-control strength because of previous self-...
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal rela...
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal rela...
Research suggests that two, consecutive acts of self-control lead to impaired performance. This phen...
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal rela...
Self-control is arguably one of the most beneficial adaptations of the agentic self. It enables huma...
The limited resources theory became the prevailing theory in explaining the instances of self-contro...
Exertion of self-control requires reliance on ego resources. Impaired performance typically results ...
The resource-based model of self-regulation provides a pessimistic view of self-regulation that peop...
The resource-based model of self-regulation provides a pessimistic view of self-regulation that peop...
If self-regulation conforms to an energy or strength model, then self-control should be impaired by ...
People break diets, procrastinate in the face of looming deadlines, imbibe too much alcohol the nigh...
Exertion of self-control produces distinct motivational consequences: the motivation to conserve ene...
The strength model of self control suggests exerting self-control consumes an energy resource that i...
Research has found that individuals who are lower in self-control strength because of previous self-...
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal rela...
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal rela...
Research suggests that two, consecutive acts of self-control lead to impaired performance. This phen...
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal rela...
Self-control is arguably one of the most beneficial adaptations of the agentic self. It enables huma...
The limited resources theory became the prevailing theory in explaining the instances of self-contro...
Exertion of self-control requires reliance on ego resources. Impaired performance typically results ...
The resource-based model of self-regulation provides a pessimistic view of self-regulation that peop...
The resource-based model of self-regulation provides a pessimistic view of self-regulation that peop...
If self-regulation conforms to an energy or strength model, then self-control should be impaired by ...
People break diets, procrastinate in the face of looming deadlines, imbibe too much alcohol the nigh...
Exertion of self-control produces distinct motivational consequences: the motivation to conserve ene...
The strength model of self control suggests exerting self-control consumes an energy resource that i...