Published in 1912 by the American school of correspondence, Chicago.v. 1. Jurisprudence. Legal history. Legal literature. Criminal law. Criminal procedure.--v. 2. Law of persons. Domestic relations. Torts. Negligence.--v. 3. Personal property. Contracts. Bailments. Sales.--v. 4. Commercial paper. Guaranty. Suretyship. Insurance law. Damages.--v. 5. Agency. Partnership. Quasi-contracts. Real property.--v. 6. Mining law. Irrigation law. Title to estates. Wills. Mortgages.--v. 7. Landlord-tenant. Liens. Conveyancing. Common law pleading. Code pleading.--v. 8. Equity. Equity procedure. Trusts-trustees. Prerogative writs.--v. 9. Evidence. Actions-suits. Appellate procedure. Private corporations.--v. 10. Municipal and public service corporations....