Vol. 8 edited by James Lindahl, state geologist.I. (1866) Geology: Physical features, general principles and surface geology; Stratigraphical geology, tertiary deposits and coal measures; Sub-carboniferous limestone series; Devonian and Silurian systems; by A.H. Worthen. Geology of the lead region, by J.D. Whitney. Report on the coal fields of Illinois; On the origin and formation of the prairies, by Leo Lesquereux. Chemical report for the geological survey of Illinois, by J.V.Z. Blaney. Geology of Randolph, St. Clair, Madison and Hancock counties, by A.H. Worthen. Geology of Hardin county, by A.H. Worthen and Henry Engelmann. Geology of Johnson, Pulaski, Massac and Pope counties, by Henry Engelmann.--II. (1866) Palæontology: Descriptions o...