I survey the male and female labor supply literatures, focusing on implications for effects of wages and taxes. For males, I describe and contrast results from three basic types of model: static models (especially those that account for nonlinear taxes), life-cycle models with savings, and life-cycle models with both savings and human capital. For women, more important distinctions are whether models include fixed costs of work, and whether they treat demographics like fertility and marriage (and human capital) as exogenous or endogenous. The literature is characterized by considerable controversy over the responsiveness of labor supply to changes in wages and taxes. At least for males, it is fair to say that most economists believe labor s...
The simulations of tax-benefit reforms with labour supply models often implicitly assume perfectly e...
ABSTRACT: We estimate labour supply elasticities at the micro level and show what we can learn from ...
The consumption-leisure choice model implies that an exogenous change in tax rates will induce a cha...
Very few existing studies have estimated female labor supply elasticities using a U.S. panel data se...
This chapter gives an overview of the male labour supply literature, focusing on what that literatu...
This paper illustrates the static labor supply model using a large cross sectional data set encompas...
Abstract: This paper analyzes the properties of a particular sectoral labor supply model developed ...
In this paper we provide an overview of the voluminous literature re-lating tax and labour supply th...
Labor supply elasticities are often used to evaluate the effect of changes in tax rates on the total...
Previous reviews of static labor supply estimations concentrate mainly on the evidence from the 198...
It has been observed that the labour supply of married women is sensitive to wage rate and nonwage ...
This dissertation uses dynamic macroeconomic models with household heterogeneity to study the implic...
Cross country comparisons of lifecycle labour supplies show that female hours of market work are sig...
Estimation of the effect of tax and transfer policies on economic behavior is a central area of stud...
This paper extends the existing literature in two ways. First, it introduces home production into th...
The simulations of tax-benefit reforms with labour supply models often implicitly assume perfectly e...
ABSTRACT: We estimate labour supply elasticities at the micro level and show what we can learn from ...
The consumption-leisure choice model implies that an exogenous change in tax rates will induce a cha...
Very few existing studies have estimated female labor supply elasticities using a U.S. panel data se...
This chapter gives an overview of the male labour supply literature, focusing on what that literatu...
This paper illustrates the static labor supply model using a large cross sectional data set encompas...
Abstract: This paper analyzes the properties of a particular sectoral labor supply model developed ...
In this paper we provide an overview of the voluminous literature re-lating tax and labour supply th...
Labor supply elasticities are often used to evaluate the effect of changes in tax rates on the total...
Previous reviews of static labor supply estimations concentrate mainly on the evidence from the 198...
It has been observed that the labour supply of married women is sensitive to wage rate and nonwage ...
This dissertation uses dynamic macroeconomic models with household heterogeneity to study the implic...
Cross country comparisons of lifecycle labour supplies show that female hours of market work are sig...
Estimation of the effect of tax and transfer policies on economic behavior is a central area of stud...
This paper extends the existing literature in two ways. First, it introduces home production into th...
The simulations of tax-benefit reforms with labour supply models often implicitly assume perfectly e...
ABSTRACT: We estimate labour supply elasticities at the micro level and show what we can learn from ...
The consumption-leisure choice model implies that an exogenous change in tax rates will induce a cha...