Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of lacertid lizard species from the Iberian Peninsula

  • Rojo Oróns, Verónica
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Publication date
January 2015


[Abstract] Reptiles, with their great diversity of sex-determining systems, have long been regarded as a model group for studying the evolution of sex determination and sex chromosomes. They also hold a key phylogenetic position to elucidate the organization and evolution of amniote genomes. This PhD thesis aims to contribute to this understanding by investigating sex chromosomes and karyotype evolution in lacertid lizards, with a focus on rock lizard species (genus Iberolacerta) endemic of the Iberian Peninsula. Firstly, we applied classical and molecular cytogenetic methods to identify and characterize previously unknown ZW sex chromosomes in the species I. monticola. Secondly, we developed whole-chromosome paints from I. montico...

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