[Resumo] Toda unha experiencia de máis de 10 anos de tratados de libre comercio subscritos en América Latina leva a considerar que o problema non se resolve con establecer se os aspectos laborais teñen ou non relación co tema comercial, ou se, ao seren ou non negociados, poden xerar unha vantaxe para os países socios dun acordo. É innegable a necesidade dos países de participaren a través de calquera forma de integración económica no escenario mundial, momento en que xorde a necesidade ter en conta os temas laborais como un aspecto que pode influenciar o comercio, xa que a través do factor de produción –traballo– poden obterse vantaxes comerciais de se reduciren as cargas económicas da contratación de persoas. É por iso que, á luz dunha neg...
Labor relationships in the world today had change facing the unbalance of power between capital and ...
The Computable General Equilibrium model, based on the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, i...
In the last years, the discussion on the costs and benefits that a free agreement between Mercosur a...
The following article begins with the old and close relationship between labor rights and internatio...
A pesar de la opacidad de sus negociaciones, se estudian aquí los aspectos laborales del TTIP –y tam...
This article evaluates the theoretical foundations of free trade agreements considering the effects ...
En principio el trabajo se basa en observaciones metodológicas efectuadas a propósito de las tratati...
This work is an approximation to a deeper analysis of Peru’s trade negotiations processes, with the ...
Algunos acontecimientos recientes parecen mostrar una cierta oposición de la ciudanía de los países ...
A liberalização comercial e a desregulamentação da economia são um dos principais traços dos impacto...
Despite the opacity of its negotiations, the labor aspects of the TTIP –and also of the CETA– are st...
This article examines the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Canada. Research on the background ...
La protección de los derechos laborales está hoy en día en el centro de los debates académicos y pol...
The Free Trade Agreements (FTA) have become an important tool for the comercial and social developme...
[Resumo] A globalización, debido a que os sistemas de produción deben adaptarse ás tendencias mundia...
Labor relationships in the world today had change facing the unbalance of power between capital and ...
The Computable General Equilibrium model, based on the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, i...
In the last years, the discussion on the costs and benefits that a free agreement between Mercosur a...
The following article begins with the old and close relationship between labor rights and internatio...
A pesar de la opacidad de sus negociaciones, se estudian aquí los aspectos laborales del TTIP –y tam...
This article evaluates the theoretical foundations of free trade agreements considering the effects ...
En principio el trabajo se basa en observaciones metodológicas efectuadas a propósito de las tratati...
This work is an approximation to a deeper analysis of Peru’s trade negotiations processes, with the ...
Algunos acontecimientos recientes parecen mostrar una cierta oposición de la ciudanía de los países ...
A liberalização comercial e a desregulamentação da economia são um dos principais traços dos impacto...
Despite the opacity of its negotiations, the labor aspects of the TTIP –and also of the CETA– are st...
This article examines the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Canada. Research on the background ...
La protección de los derechos laborales está hoy en día en el centro de los debates académicos y pol...
The Free Trade Agreements (FTA) have become an important tool for the comercial and social developme...
[Resumo] A globalización, debido a que os sistemas de produción deben adaptarse ás tendencias mundia...
Labor relationships in the world today had change facing the unbalance of power between capital and ...
The Computable General Equilibrium model, based on the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, i...
In the last years, the discussion on the costs and benefits that a free agreement between Mercosur a...