Variability of Botrytis cinerea sensitivity to pyrrolnitrin, an antibiotic produced by biological control agents.

  • Ajouz, Sakhr
  • Walker, Anne Sophie
  • Fabre, Frédéric
  • Leroux, Pierre
  • Nicot, Philippe
Publication date
January 2011


To establish a baseline sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea to pyrrolnitrin, an antibiotic produced by several biological control agents, 204 isolates were tested for sensitivity to pyrrolnitrin using a spore germination assay. The results showed that the isolates exhibited a wide range of sensitivity to pyrrolnitrin, with an 8.4-fold difference in EC50 (effective concentration to reduce spore germination by 50% comparing to the control) values between the least and the most sensitive isolates. The model-based clustering analysis indicate that the distribution of the EC50 values best fit a normal mixture model with 3 components and unequal variance. The less sensitive isolates were also multidrug resistant isolates. The efficacy of the pyrrolni...

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