The analysis of \u27mixed acts\u27 in Nicomachean Ethics III, 1 has led scholars to attribute a theory of \u27dirty hands\u27 and \u27impossible oughts\u27 to Aristotle. Michael Stocker argues that Aristotle recognizes particular acts that are simultaneously \u27right, even obligatory\u27, but nevertheless \u27wrong, shameful and the like\u27. And Martha Nussbaum commends Aristotle for not sympathizing \u27with those who, in politics or in private affairs, would so shrink from blame and from unacceptable action that they would be unable to take a necessary decision for the best\u27. In this paper I reexamine Aristotle\u27s analysis of putatively \u27mixed acts\u27 in Nicomachean Ethics III, 1, maintaining that Aristotle denies that there ar...