Sequel: "Witch Winnie's studio."A sequel to "Witch Winnie, the story of a King's daughter."Mode of access: Internet
Ornamental end-papers in green & white.T.-p. & half-title illustrated.Mode of access: Internet
"A sequel to ʻThe story of the thirteen colonies'."--Pref.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel The kings of the East.Sequel to An uncrowned king.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: "Witch Winnie in Paris."A sequel to "Witch Winnie's mystery."Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: "Witch Winnie at Versailles."A sequel to "Witch Winnie's studio."Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: The children of Sherburne house.Sequel to A Sherburne romance.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: Sherburne girls.Sequel to The mistress of Sherburne.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: The heir of Sherburne.Sequel to: The children at Sherburne house.Mode of access: Internet
The first volume is a sequel to Le chevalier d'Harmental.Mode of access: Internet
"Being the sequel to that so greatly admired and popular work, entitled, The Cottage on the cliff, o...
"Sequel to 'Six girls and Bob, ' 'Six girls and the tea room, ' and 'Six girls growing older.'"Mode ...
Sequel: Miss Minerva on the old plantation.Sequel to Billy and the major.Mode of access: Internet
Preface.--The witches of Scotland.--The witches of England.Mode of access: Internet
A sequel was published 1899 with title: Wabeno, the magician.Mode of access: Internet
Added engraved t.-p.: Ministering children, a sequel ...Mode of access: Internet
Ornamental end-papers in green & white.T.-p. & half-title illustrated.Mode of access: Internet
"A sequel to ʻThe story of the thirteen colonies'."--Pref.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel The kings of the East.Sequel to An uncrowned king.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: "Witch Winnie in Paris."A sequel to "Witch Winnie's mystery."Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: "Witch Winnie at Versailles."A sequel to "Witch Winnie's studio."Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: The children of Sherburne house.Sequel to A Sherburne romance.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: Sherburne girls.Sequel to The mistress of Sherburne.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel: The heir of Sherburne.Sequel to: The children at Sherburne house.Mode of access: Internet
The first volume is a sequel to Le chevalier d'Harmental.Mode of access: Internet
"Being the sequel to that so greatly admired and popular work, entitled, The Cottage on the cliff, o...
"Sequel to 'Six girls and Bob, ' 'Six girls and the tea room, ' and 'Six girls growing older.'"Mode ...
Sequel: Miss Minerva on the old plantation.Sequel to Billy and the major.Mode of access: Internet
Preface.--The witches of Scotland.--The witches of England.Mode of access: Internet
A sequel was published 1899 with title: Wabeno, the magician.Mode of access: Internet
Added engraved t.-p.: Ministering children, a sequel ...Mode of access: Internet
Ornamental end-papers in green & white.T.-p. & half-title illustrated.Mode of access: Internet
"A sequel to ʻThe story of the thirteen colonies'."--Pref.Mode of access: Internet
Sequel The kings of the East.Sequel to An uncrowned king.Mode of access: Internet