Studies on the HHROTAKE (Trametes sanguinea) pigments (III) : Effects of the inorganic salts on the pigments production

  • 寺下, 隆夫
  • テラシタ, タカオ
  • Terashita, Takao
  • 河野, 又四
  • コウノ, マタシ
  • Kono, Matashi
Publication date
March 2008
Kinki daigaku nogakubu


[Author abstract]We examined on the cultural condition added to forty kind of inorganic salts for the pigments production of HIIROTAKE (Trametes sanguinea). As results of the examination, IMgSO_4. 7H_2O, K_2SO_4, and Na_2SO_3 to the mixed medium was obtained a best amounts of the pigments, Mg^<++> ion was promoted on the mycelial growth and pigments production, but Fe^<+++>, Fe^<+++>, and Zn^<++> ion was not effected on the pigments production. In relation to periodic table, inorganic ions that are capable to promote the mycelial growth and pigments production was all present except to BaCl_2 inside of number twenty elements on the periodic table.[要約]1. ヒイロタケ色素の生成について、混合培地に種々の無機塩を0.1%添加し、その影響について検討した。2. 40種類の無機塩の添加区について検討の結果、11区が無機塩無添加の標準区よ...

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