Ανάπτυξη διαγονιδιακών συστημάτων για τον έλεγχο πληθυσμών βλαβερών εντόμων : καταστολή της έκφρασης του γονιδίου μιας αξονηματικής δυνείνης

  • Ταταράκης, Αντώνιος
Publication date
December 2005


Many insects heavily damage crops and forests or transmit deadly diseases to animals and humans. The Sterile Insect Technique (S.I.T) is a genetic method that can be used to successfully suppress economically important pest species. SIT involves mass production of the target pest species, sterilization by irradiation and release of sterilized insects. The need to sterilize the insects by irradiation causes a dramatic loss of competitive mating ability relative to wild type. The replacement of radiation-sterilization by a molecular genetic-sterilization method is an attractive option for the production of sterile insects. Herein we report the development of a transgenic system that suppresses the expression of b- heavy chain KL-5, part of th...

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