This digital image was produced in the Fall of 2011 from the original map held by the Maryland Geological Survey (MGS). We are indebted to the MGS staff for helping us make this map available.Quadrangle Atlas No. 3. Includes Sheets: Map 1. Geologic Map (GEO). Map 2. Estimated Thickness of Overburden (OT). Map 3. Geologic Factors Affecting Land Modification (LM). Map 4. Mineral Resources and Mined Land Inventory (MRMLI). Map 5. Location of Wells, Springs and Test Holes (WS). Map 6. Depth to the Water Table (WT). Map 7. Availability of Ground Water (GW). Map 8. GeoHydrologic Conditions Pretaining to Domestic Underground Liquid-Waste Disposal (SS)