Reseña de: Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Identities and Influence
UID/HIS/00749/2013 SFRH/BPD/100519/2014Os Moçárabes e o Saber Médico em al- Andalus entre os séculos...
Ouvrage dirigé en collaboration avec Mayte Penelas (CSIC, Grenade) et Philippe Roisse (EHEH, Casa de...
Convivencia refers to the ‘coexistence’ of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities in medieval Spa...
This book is extracted from a doctoral dissertation supervised by David Thomas (Univ. of Birmingham)...
The theme of the "Mozarabs" is always very important, but the degree of it changes according to the ...
Most approaches to the history of Mozarabs (Christians with lineal roots in Muslim-ruled Iberia) in ...
L’hispanité des musulmans d’Espagne est au centre d’un débat récurrent sur l’identité collective des...
Describes the history of Spain from 711 to 1492, a period of Arab domination and intellectual fermen...
The Mozarabic Church of visigothic tradition was still strong in the late xith Century. In 1084 Sanc...
La respuesta de las comunidades mozárabes ante la obligatoriedad de adoptar el rito romano durante l...
Early modern society afforded a certain margin for change in the activities and appearances by which...
Tanja Zakrzewski, Universität Potsdam Abstract: In Identity and Violence in Early Modern Granada: ...
In this dissertation, I offer four case studies in how medieval Iberia’s Arabic-speaking Christians ...
Guichard Pierre. Les Mozarabes de Valence et d'Al-Andalus entre l'histoire et le mythe. In: Revue de...
Las transformaciones padecidas por los musulmanes de Granada a raíz de la conversión masiva de 1499-...
UID/HIS/00749/2013 SFRH/BPD/100519/2014Os Moçárabes e o Saber Médico em al- Andalus entre os séculos...
Ouvrage dirigé en collaboration avec Mayte Penelas (CSIC, Grenade) et Philippe Roisse (EHEH, Casa de...
Convivencia refers to the ‘coexistence’ of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities in medieval Spa...
This book is extracted from a doctoral dissertation supervised by David Thomas (Univ. of Birmingham)...
The theme of the "Mozarabs" is always very important, but the degree of it changes according to the ...
Most approaches to the history of Mozarabs (Christians with lineal roots in Muslim-ruled Iberia) in ...
L’hispanité des musulmans d’Espagne est au centre d’un débat récurrent sur l’identité collective des...
Describes the history of Spain from 711 to 1492, a period of Arab domination and intellectual fermen...
The Mozarabic Church of visigothic tradition was still strong in the late xith Century. In 1084 Sanc...
La respuesta de las comunidades mozárabes ante la obligatoriedad de adoptar el rito romano durante l...
Early modern society afforded a certain margin for change in the activities and appearances by which...
Tanja Zakrzewski, Universität Potsdam Abstract: In Identity and Violence in Early Modern Granada: ...
In this dissertation, I offer four case studies in how medieval Iberia’s Arabic-speaking Christians ...
Guichard Pierre. Les Mozarabes de Valence et d'Al-Andalus entre l'histoire et le mythe. In: Revue de...
Las transformaciones padecidas por los musulmanes de Granada a raíz de la conversión masiva de 1499-...
UID/HIS/00749/2013 SFRH/BPD/100519/2014Os Moçárabes e o Saber Médico em al- Andalus entre os séculos...
Ouvrage dirigé en collaboration avec Mayte Penelas (CSIC, Grenade) et Philippe Roisse (EHEH, Casa de...
Convivencia refers to the ‘coexistence’ of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities in medieval Spa...