Imprint varies. Vols. 7-10 and 11-17 published by Krais & Hoffmann, Stuttgart.Demetrius Poliorketes -- 29. Bdchn. Marcus Antonius -- 30. Bdchn. Dion.[1. Bdchn.] 1. Tiberius Gracchus 2. Cajus Gracchus 3. Brutus -- 2. Bdchn. 1. Themistokles 2. Aristides (2. Aufl.) -- 3. Bdchn. 1. Perikles 2. Cato der Aeltere -- 4. Bdchn. Julius Cäsar -- 5. Bdchn. Alexander der Grosse -- 6. Bdchn. 1. Lykurg 2. Solon -- 7. Bdchn. 1. Caj. Marc. Coriolanus 2. Timoleon -- 8. Bdchn. C. Marius -- 9. Bdchn. L.C. Sulla -- 10. Bdchn. Philopömen und Titus Quinctius Flamininus -- 11. Bdchn. Alkabiades -- 12. Bdchn. 1. Pyrrhus 2. Sertorius -- 13. Pompejus der Grosse -- 14. Bdchn. Agesilaus -- 15. Bdchn. Lucullus -- 16. Bdchn. Agis und Kleomenes -- 17. Bdchn. Romulus und N...
Filing title: Vitae parallelae. English. Selection."Newly translated, with introduction and notes by...
Flacelière Robert. 27. Plutarch. Ueber Gott und Vorsehung, Dämonen und Weissagung, eingeleitet und ü...
Defradas Jean. Plutarchus, Vitae parallelae, recognoverunt Cl. Lindskog et K. Ziegler. Vol. I, fasc....
Vols. 3-6 edited by F. Blass.Includes indexes and bibliographical references.Text in Greek; introduc...
T.p., [1. Bdchn.]: Plutarchs Aristides und Cato Maior.Text in Greek; introductory critical matter in...
Vol. 3. is 3d ed.Greek text with German notes.Bd. 1. Siefert, O. Philopoenen und Titus Quinctius Fla...
Beaconsfield, Benjamin D'Israeli, lord. Von F. Althaus. v.9.-- Byron, lord. Von r. [von] gottschall....
The six volumes are divided into thirty parts, each part having a separate title-page (Plutarch's au...
At head of title: Sir Thomas North.The life of Timoleon.--The life of Paulus Aemilius.--The comparis...
Series title lacking in Bd. 1.Bd. 1. Aristides und Cato Major.--Bd. 2. Agis und Cleomenes. Tiberius ...
Vols. 2-3 have half-title: Six of Plutarch's Greek lives.Half-title; each vol. has also special t.-p...
Vol. 4-20, Stuttgart, Hoffmann.1. bd. Die zwillingsbrüder. (Menaechmi)--2. bd. Der bramarbas. (Miles...
[v.1] Alexander. Pericles. Caius Caesar. Aemilius Pualus -- [v.2] Aristides. Marcus Cato. Demosthene...
Bd. 1. Aus Plutarch's Leben des Marius. Aus Cäsar's Buch vom gallischen Krieg. Aus Vellejus Patercul...
Greek and Latin text in parallel columns.Each vol. has special t.p.v. 1-2. Plutarchi Vitae / secundu...
Filing title: Vitae parallelae. English. Selection."Newly translated, with introduction and notes by...
Flacelière Robert. 27. Plutarch. Ueber Gott und Vorsehung, Dämonen und Weissagung, eingeleitet und ü...
Defradas Jean. Plutarchus, Vitae parallelae, recognoverunt Cl. Lindskog et K. Ziegler. Vol. I, fasc....
Vols. 3-6 edited by F. Blass.Includes indexes and bibliographical references.Text in Greek; introduc...
T.p., [1. Bdchn.]: Plutarchs Aristides und Cato Maior.Text in Greek; introductory critical matter in...
Vol. 3. is 3d ed.Greek text with German notes.Bd. 1. Siefert, O. Philopoenen und Titus Quinctius Fla...
Beaconsfield, Benjamin D'Israeli, lord. Von F. Althaus. v.9.-- Byron, lord. Von r. [von] gottschall....
The six volumes are divided into thirty parts, each part having a separate title-page (Plutarch's au...
At head of title: Sir Thomas North.The life of Timoleon.--The life of Paulus Aemilius.--The comparis...
Series title lacking in Bd. 1.Bd. 1. Aristides und Cato Major.--Bd. 2. Agis und Cleomenes. Tiberius ...
Vols. 2-3 have half-title: Six of Plutarch's Greek lives.Half-title; each vol. has also special t.-p...
Vol. 4-20, Stuttgart, Hoffmann.1. bd. Die zwillingsbrüder. (Menaechmi)--2. bd. Der bramarbas. (Miles...
[v.1] Alexander. Pericles. Caius Caesar. Aemilius Pualus -- [v.2] Aristides. Marcus Cato. Demosthene...
Bd. 1. Aus Plutarch's Leben des Marius. Aus Cäsar's Buch vom gallischen Krieg. Aus Vellejus Patercul...
Greek and Latin text in parallel columns.Each vol. has special t.p.v. 1-2. Plutarchi Vitae / secundu...
Filing title: Vitae parallelae. English. Selection."Newly translated, with introduction and notes by...
Flacelière Robert. 27. Plutarch. Ueber Gott und Vorsehung, Dämonen und Weissagung, eingeleitet und ü...
Defradas Jean. Plutarchus, Vitae parallelae, recognoverunt Cl. Lindskog et K. Ziegler. Vol. I, fasc....