Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. P. M. Santiago del Río, D. Corral, J. L. García-Dorado, and J. Aracil, "On the Impact of Packet Sampling on Skype Traffic Classification", in IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), 2013, p. 800 - 803Nowadays, traffic classification technology addresses the exciting challenge of dealing with ever-increasing network speeds, which implies mo...
Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, De...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
The use of packet sampling for traffic measurement has become mandatory for network operators tocope...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies such as Skype are becoming increasingly popular and widely used in...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
In this paper we present results of experimental work using machine learning techniques to rapidly i...
Packet sampling is needed to measure network traffic scalably at high speeds. While many sampled-bas...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
In this paper we present results of experimental work using machine learning techniques to rapidly i...
Packet sampling is needed to measure network traffic scalably at high speeds. While many sampled-bas...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, De...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
The use of packet sampling for traffic measurement has become mandatory for network operators tocope...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies such as Skype are becoming increasingly popular and widely used in...
Skype is a very popular VoIP software which has recently attracted the attention of the research com...
In this paper we present results of experimental work using machine learning techniques to rapidly i...
Packet sampling is needed to measure network traffic scalably at high speeds. While many sampled-bas...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
In this paper we present results of experimental work using machine learning techniques to rapidly i...
Packet sampling is needed to measure network traffic scalably at high speeds. While many sampled-bas...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, De...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...
There are several techniques for classifying internet traffic, i.e. associating a flow of packets t...