Driving the wrong way on freeways has been a nagging traffic safety problem since the interstate highway system was founded in the 1950s. Despite four decades of highway striping and sign improvements at freeway interchanges, the problem persists. This paper is to determine the contributing factors to wrong-way driving on freeways and to develop promising, cost-conscious countermeasures to reduce this driving errors and related crashes. Wrong-way crash data from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) crash database were collected with 632 possible wrong-way crashes. The real wrong-way crashes were further identified by reviewing the wrong-way crash reports hardcopies and information from other resources. Characteristics of wrong-way ...
Wrong way driving (WWD) research and mitigation measures have primarily focused on limited access fa...
015821922015Final ReportPDFTech ReportFHWA-AZ-15-741SPR-PL1\ua0(187)\ua0741Wrong way drivingWarning ...
Wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes have been a long-lasting issue for transportation agencies during th...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-ICT-12-010ICT-R27-90FreewaysTraffic accidentsWrong way drivingCountermeasuresAcci...
In Illinois, there were 217 wrong-way crashes on freeways from 2004 to 2009, resulting in 44 killed ...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-ICT-14-010UILU-ENG-2014-2010R27-90Wrong way drivingTraffic accidentsCountermeasur...
<div><p><b>Objective:</b> Driving the wrong way on freeways, namely wrong-way driving (WWD), has bee...
Traffic accidents that occur on freeways often end tragicallybecause of high driving speed. Wrong-wa...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-ICT-15-016R27-090Wrong way drivingFreewaysHuman factors in accidentsGuidelinesCou...
Each year, hundreds of fatal wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes occur across the United States, and tho...
In the second phase of this project, two major tasks were completed: (1) organizing a national wrong...
Wrong-way driving (WWD) has been a constant traffic safety problem in certain types of roads. These ...
US Transportation Collection2016PDFTech ReportSorenson, WillyAthey Creek ConsultantingENTERPRISE Tra...
Drivers who make wrong-way entries onto freeways pose a serious risk to the safety of other motorist...
PDFTech ReportUT- 17.1716-82985H07829HWrong way drivingIntelligent transportation systemsTraffic saf...
Wrong way driving (WWD) research and mitigation measures have primarily focused on limited access fa...
015821922015Final ReportPDFTech ReportFHWA-AZ-15-741SPR-PL1\ua0(187)\ua0741Wrong way drivingWarning ...
Wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes have been a long-lasting issue for transportation agencies during th...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-ICT-12-010ICT-R27-90FreewaysTraffic accidentsWrong way drivingCountermeasuresAcci...
In Illinois, there were 217 wrong-way crashes on freeways from 2004 to 2009, resulting in 44 killed ...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-ICT-14-010UILU-ENG-2014-2010R27-90Wrong way drivingTraffic accidentsCountermeasur...
<div><p><b>Objective:</b> Driving the wrong way on freeways, namely wrong-way driving (WWD), has bee...
Traffic accidents that occur on freeways often end tragicallybecause of high driving speed. Wrong-wa...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-ICT-15-016R27-090Wrong way drivingFreewaysHuman factors in accidentsGuidelinesCou...
Each year, hundreds of fatal wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes occur across the United States, and tho...
In the second phase of this project, two major tasks were completed: (1) organizing a national wrong...
Wrong-way driving (WWD) has been a constant traffic safety problem in certain types of roads. These ...
US Transportation Collection2016PDFTech ReportSorenson, WillyAthey Creek ConsultantingENTERPRISE Tra...
Drivers who make wrong-way entries onto freeways pose a serious risk to the safety of other motorist...
PDFTech ReportUT- 17.1716-82985H07829HWrong way drivingIntelligent transportation systemsTraffic saf...
Wrong way driving (WWD) research and mitigation measures have primarily focused on limited access fa...
015821922015Final ReportPDFTech ReportFHWA-AZ-15-741SPR-PL1\ua0(187)\ua0741Wrong way drivingWarning ...
Wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes have been a long-lasting issue for transportation agencies during th...