Meddelelsen bringer 8 konferenceindlæg om beregningsredskaber til livscyklusmodeller for bygninger, etablering af en nordisk miljødatabase for byggeri og miljømærkning af byggeprodukter samt energi- og miljøforhold ved produktion, opførelse, opvarmning, drift, vedligehold, ombygning, nedrivning og genanvendelse af bygninger
The Swedish building sector is sometimes called the 40% sector, because of its large amount of mater...
The composition will focus on valuations of energy during production, the construction process and t...
Environmental impact and management of energy is a highly topical issue in today's society. Climate ...
De fleste former for energiproduktion belaster udemiljøet gennem udslip af CO2, SO2 og NOx. Derfor s...
Denne rapport beskriver hvordan By og Bygs pc-værktøj BEAT 2000 kan anvendes til at dokumentere kont...
I december 1997 arrangerede byggeforskningsinstitutterne i Norge, Sverige, Finland og Danmark en wor...
Environmental and climate issues are of great importance for how we shape our society. The construc...
For the past year’s climate change has been a hot topic for the world leaders and organizations, wit...
Denne SBI-rapport beskriver den miljødatabase, der er etableret på SBI. Databasen, der foreligger på...
Denne SBI-rappport giver en overordnet beskrivelse af fremgangsmåden for livscyklusbaserede opgørels...
Afsluttende rapport for et projekt der tager sigte på at analysere energibesparende foranstaltninger...
Our world is in need of change, to live up to the international and national environmental and clima...
Denna studie har utförts för att öka kunskapen om miljö- och energikrav i Sverige. Studien har utgåt...
In January 2022, a new requirement will be introduced for declaration of building’s carbon footprint...
Climate conditions nowadays are looking critical where the construction and property sector is a maj...
The Swedish building sector is sometimes called the 40% sector, because of its large amount of mater...
The composition will focus on valuations of energy during production, the construction process and t...
Environmental impact and management of energy is a highly topical issue in today's society. Climate ...
De fleste former for energiproduktion belaster udemiljøet gennem udslip af CO2, SO2 og NOx. Derfor s...
Denne rapport beskriver hvordan By og Bygs pc-værktøj BEAT 2000 kan anvendes til at dokumentere kont...
I december 1997 arrangerede byggeforskningsinstitutterne i Norge, Sverige, Finland og Danmark en wor...
Environmental and climate issues are of great importance for how we shape our society. The construc...
For the past year’s climate change has been a hot topic for the world leaders and organizations, wit...
Denne SBI-rapport beskriver den miljødatabase, der er etableret på SBI. Databasen, der foreligger på...
Denne SBI-rappport giver en overordnet beskrivelse af fremgangsmåden for livscyklusbaserede opgørels...
Afsluttende rapport for et projekt der tager sigte på at analysere energibesparende foranstaltninger...
Our world is in need of change, to live up to the international and national environmental and clima...
Denna studie har utförts för att öka kunskapen om miljö- och energikrav i Sverige. Studien har utgåt...
In January 2022, a new requirement will be introduced for declaration of building’s carbon footprint...
Climate conditions nowadays are looking critical where the construction and property sector is a maj...
The Swedish building sector is sometimes called the 40% sector, because of its large amount of mater...
The composition will focus on valuations of energy during production, the construction process and t...
Environmental impact and management of energy is a highly topical issue in today's society. Climate ...