In einer ländervergleichenden Studie untersucht die Autorin die Reformpolitik der Rentensysteme in Ungarn, Polen und der Tschechischen Republik nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion. Dabei orientieren sich die Ausführungen an der zentralen Frage, warum Ungarn und Polen einerseits sowie die Tschechische Republik andererseits im Verlauf der 1990er Jahre deutlich verschiedene Reformwege eingeschlagen haben, obwohl alle drei Länder unter dem kommunistischem Regime sehr ähnliche Rentensysteme besaßen. Während die Tschechische Republik nur einen graduellen bzw. partiellen Wandel einleitete, haben Ungarn und Polen weitreichende Reformen des Alterssicherungssystems umgesetzt, indem sie das System auf mehrere Säulen gestellt haben. Den theoretische...
none1noThe chapter focuses on two decades of pension reforms in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). While ...
The World Bank has supported the fundamental reform of unfair and wasteful Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) syst...
Countries of the Visegrad Group implemented a number of parametric and systemic reforms of pension s...
'Analysing the first decade of post-communist pension policy in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republ...
Pension reform seems inevitable in postcommunist Central-Eastern Europe, because the process of econ...
Reforms are not created simply by will, they are constrained by path dependency and also by existing...
Pension systems and, as ratios of GDP, pension expenditures show large variation among countries. Th...
All Central and Eastern European countries have achieved reforms oftheir pension systems varying in ...
This book traces and analyzes the legislation and implementation of pension reforms in four Central,...
Firstly the paper lays out not only the theoretical framework but also tries to make explicit the me...
Defense Date: 28/10/2009Examining Board: Nicholas Barr (LSE), Martin Kohli (EUI), Martin Rhodes (U...
'Die sozialen Veränderungen im Zuge der 'Sanften Revolution' von 1989 hatten tiefgreifende Auswirkun...
This paper briefly explores the social policy developments in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Sl...
This book traces and analyzes the legislation and implementation of pension reforms in four Central,...
Across the OECD countries, now including three former socialist countries (Hungary, the Czech Republ...
none1noThe chapter focuses on two decades of pension reforms in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). While ...
The World Bank has supported the fundamental reform of unfair and wasteful Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) syst...
Countries of the Visegrad Group implemented a number of parametric and systemic reforms of pension s...
'Analysing the first decade of post-communist pension policy in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republ...
Pension reform seems inevitable in postcommunist Central-Eastern Europe, because the process of econ...
Reforms are not created simply by will, they are constrained by path dependency and also by existing...
Pension systems and, as ratios of GDP, pension expenditures show large variation among countries. Th...
All Central and Eastern European countries have achieved reforms oftheir pension systems varying in ...
This book traces and analyzes the legislation and implementation of pension reforms in four Central,...
Firstly the paper lays out not only the theoretical framework but also tries to make explicit the me...
Defense Date: 28/10/2009Examining Board: Nicholas Barr (LSE), Martin Kohli (EUI), Martin Rhodes (U...
'Die sozialen Veränderungen im Zuge der 'Sanften Revolution' von 1989 hatten tiefgreifende Auswirkun...
This paper briefly explores the social policy developments in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Sl...
This book traces and analyzes the legislation and implementation of pension reforms in four Central,...
Across the OECD countries, now including three former socialist countries (Hungary, the Czech Republ...
none1noThe chapter focuses on two decades of pension reforms in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). While ...
The World Bank has supported the fundamental reform of unfair and wasteful Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) syst...
Countries of the Visegrad Group implemented a number of parametric and systemic reforms of pension s...