Name changed to: Watertown State Hospital.Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Internet
18 -19 annual report of the Board of trustees and superintendent of the Central Indiana hospital...
No. 1-8 reprinted in one volume in 1863.Previous to 1877: Illinois State Hospital for the Insane; 18...
Alternatively issued to Committee on Lunacy and Board of Commissioners of Public Charities.Report ye...
Title varies.Previous to 1910: Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane at Watertown.Report year end...
Early vols. report year ends Sept. 30; <1888-> report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the Hospital under its earlier names: 1884/85-19 , Westborough In...
Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Internet.... have title: Biennial report of the trustees, s...
Vols. for 44th-58th have title: Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Willard State Hospital...
Report year ends Sept. 30, 1885-1905; Nov. 30, 1906-1908.Mode of access: Internet
Report year ends Sept. 30.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by: St. Lawrence State Hospital. Annual...
Previous to 1910: Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane.By an error the 12th report is called the...
Imprint varies.Title varies slightly.Description based on: 31st (1879).Report year ends Oct. 31.Mode...
Previous to 1910: Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane.The 12th report is incorrectly called the...
"Made to the State Board of Charities and Corrections."Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Inte...
Latest issue consulted: Ninth biennial report (period ending October 31, 1906).Description based on:...
18 -19 annual report of the Board of trustees and superintendent of the Central Indiana hospital...
No. 1-8 reprinted in one volume in 1863.Previous to 1877: Illinois State Hospital for the Insane; 18...
Alternatively issued to Committee on Lunacy and Board of Commissioners of Public Charities.Report ye...
Title varies.Previous to 1910: Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane at Watertown.Report year end...
Early vols. report year ends Sept. 30; <1888-> report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the Hospital under its earlier names: 1884/85-19 , Westborough In...
Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Internet.... have title: Biennial report of the trustees, s...
Vols. for 44th-58th have title: Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Willard State Hospital...
Report year ends Sept. 30, 1885-1905; Nov. 30, 1906-1908.Mode of access: Internet
Report year ends Sept. 30.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by: St. Lawrence State Hospital. Annual...
Previous to 1910: Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane.By an error the 12th report is called the...
Imprint varies.Title varies slightly.Description based on: 31st (1879).Report year ends Oct. 31.Mode...
Previous to 1910: Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane.The 12th report is incorrectly called the...
"Made to the State Board of Charities and Corrections."Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: Inte...
Latest issue consulted: Ninth biennial report (period ending October 31, 1906).Description based on:...
18 -19 annual report of the Board of trustees and superintendent of the Central Indiana hospital...
No. 1-8 reprinted in one volume in 1863.Previous to 1877: Illinois State Hospital for the Insane; 18...
Alternatively issued to Committee on Lunacy and Board of Commissioners of Public Charities.Report ye...