Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang diabetes melitus dengan senam kaki diabetes

  • Anggara, Respa Agustina
  • Melyana, Fransisca Melyana
  • Sari, Rita Purnama
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Publication date
February 2024
Indonesian Public Health-Observer Information Forum (IPHORR) Kerja sama dengan: Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kep Akademi Keperawatan Baitul Hikmah


Background: There are around 422 million people with diabetes aged 18 years worldwide or 8.5% of the world's population. However, 1 in 2 people with Diabetes do not know that they have Diabetes. Therefore, diabetes sufferers are often found at an advanced stage with complications such as; heart attacks, strokes, serious leg infections and risk of amputation, and end-stage kidney failure. Purpose: After conducting outreach to the people of Hamlet 7 Mutun RT. 04, it is hoped that the public can understand about diabetes mellitus and prevention and apply diabetes mellitus treatment at home. Method: Counseling and lecture activities via leaflets and flip-flop sheets were then followed by question and answer discussions and practice of diabetic ...

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