Gy. Válás in a recent study (TMT, vol. 38. 1991. p. 461-469) pointed out the existence of eponymic terms in computer searchable bibliographic databases, criticizing partially this way the investigations published by E. Száva-Kováts on non-indexed eponymic citedness. Gy. Válas regarded these eponymic descriptors as eponymic citations and, as a conclusion, he proposed the data of Citations Indexes to be extended by these descriptors of the bibliographic databases because, according to Gy. Válas, this way real numbers can beobtained characterizing citedness.In the present study, E. Száva-Kováts shows that the critics by Gy. Válas are unproper and his suggestion is erroneous. The present author reveals the forms of citedness of eponymical terms...