ICAWA : International Conference AWA, Dakar, SEN, 13-/12/2016 - 15/12/2016The Bonga Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825) is the most third small pelagic exploited in the Senegalese waters and is commonly consumed locally. Studies were conducted on the dynamics population of E. fimbriata. Monthly catches by landing sites of the Senegalese artisanal fisheries from 1996 to 2013 are provided by the CRODT. They are structured according to the fishing gear, per month and landing sites along the South Senegalese coast (between 14°36N to 13°36N and of 13°40N to 12°20 N). Growth parameters were determined using the length-frequency distribution per month over the period 2014-2015: the asymptotic length "Linfini"=38.2 cm total length, the asymptotic b...