Amidst the existential crisis in contemporary society, young individuals worldwide find themselves susceptible to self-inflicted harm or even self-destruction in response to their psychological ruptures and injuries, while lacking the requisite self-awareness and the patience to persevere on the journey of self-understanding. In this article, we draw upon Rosenblatt’s (1995) notion of Literature as Exploration to propound a text-to-self pedagogical approach to reading Haruki Murakami and Can Xue and to teaching contemporary existentialist literature. Comprising three strategies, namely The Art World in My Eyes, The Mind Film, and The Literary Conversation, this approach encourages students to engage deeply with the portrayal of death in the...
Current readings of existentialism are overly negative. It is not without reason that existentialism...
This thesis is an autobiographical and reflective account of suffering. The goal of this study is to...
We reach significant turning points in our lives which might be described as ‘existential crises’1 w...
Project (M.A., Liberal Arts) -- California State University, Sacramento, 2011.I have created and dev...
This paper presents an unconventional approach to the existential crisis according to the transperso...
Background Emotional development involves "mastering" experiences. In order to master experience, ...
A brief investigation of the Existential Crisis as conveyed through prose and traditional philosophi...
Issues such as anxiety, alienation, crises and concerns over self-identity typify this era of uncert...
Literary imagination has both exploratory and corrective aspects. The one helps us to broaden the br...
This interdisciplinary study of mental health seeks to do three things: 1. Identify and investigate ...
As the 2020 global pandemic has demonstrated with new force, we continue to struggle with managing p...
Suicide is the second leading cause of death from ages 10-24. In the United States, an average of ov...
This study was designed as an action research aimed to help students to elaborate their feelings of ...
AbstractThe birth and building of resilience as a concept and scientific paradigm are strongly linke...
This chapter concerns a model of holistic, structured literature education, which has pedagogical v...
Current readings of existentialism are overly negative. It is not without reason that existentialism...
This thesis is an autobiographical and reflective account of suffering. The goal of this study is to...
We reach significant turning points in our lives which might be described as ‘existential crises’1 w...
Project (M.A., Liberal Arts) -- California State University, Sacramento, 2011.I have created and dev...
This paper presents an unconventional approach to the existential crisis according to the transperso...
Background Emotional development involves "mastering" experiences. In order to master experience, ...
A brief investigation of the Existential Crisis as conveyed through prose and traditional philosophi...
Issues such as anxiety, alienation, crises and concerns over self-identity typify this era of uncert...
Literary imagination has both exploratory and corrective aspects. The one helps us to broaden the br...
This interdisciplinary study of mental health seeks to do three things: 1. Identify and investigate ...
As the 2020 global pandemic has demonstrated with new force, we continue to struggle with managing p...
Suicide is the second leading cause of death from ages 10-24. In the United States, an average of ov...
This study was designed as an action research aimed to help students to elaborate their feelings of ...
AbstractThe birth and building of resilience as a concept and scientific paradigm are strongly linke...
This chapter concerns a model of holistic, structured literature education, which has pedagogical v...
Current readings of existentialism are overly negative. It is not without reason that existentialism...
This thesis is an autobiographical and reflective account of suffering. The goal of this study is to...
We reach significant turning points in our lives which might be described as ‘existential crises’1 w...