Pinocchio is one of the popular classics of the Walt Disney animation industry released in 1940, the popularity of the Pinocchio series also prompted the animated film Pinocchio to be adapted into a live-action version in 2022. The movie is based on the classic novel by Carlo Collodi that tells the story of a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who wants to become a human child. There are different scenes from the 1940 version of Pinocchio and the 2022 version of Pinocchio. This adaptation process does bring changes in the meaning content when the story is adapted from animation to live-action. Based on this, this study aims to analyze changes in meaning in the 1940 animated version of Pinocchio and the 2022 live-action version of Pinocchio with ...
Mass media has invaded the social culture in the last 100 years, and nowhere is this more prevalent ...
Our critical question is the following: apart from translations can films, television series, themat...
Why representing human being by artificial being? That is what do performing arts which stage Pinocc...
This article explores the use of film in historical-educational research. The first section offers g...
This thesis is in Italian. This research examines Walt Disney and Carlo Collodi and their respective...
The book deals with the translation and the adaptation of Roberto Benigni's film 'Pinocchio' into En...
W tej pracy koncentruję się na elementach dydaktycznych w powieści Carla Collodiego „Pinokio” i adap...
This study aims to find out what changes are happening to the heroines when they are transform into ...
One of the most widely read books in the world, considered a metaphor for the human condition, and s...
In 1936, Alexei Tolstoy’s The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino was published, heralding the...
Animated feature films have been some of the most popular forms of entertainment in the past 90, alm...
La tesi si compone di due parti distinte, ognuna incentrata su due analisi, legate per la materia tr...
Winnie-the-Pooh is a universally known character. His friendly and cuddly appearance makes it easy f...
Mulan is a movie that has two versions in animation and live-action. This research aims to reve...
This work intends to analyze the manner in which the historical, social, and cultural changes have i...
Mass media has invaded the social culture in the last 100 years, and nowhere is this more prevalent ...
Our critical question is the following: apart from translations can films, television series, themat...
Why representing human being by artificial being? That is what do performing arts which stage Pinocc...
This article explores the use of film in historical-educational research. The first section offers g...
This thesis is in Italian. This research examines Walt Disney and Carlo Collodi and their respective...
The book deals with the translation and the adaptation of Roberto Benigni's film 'Pinocchio' into En...
W tej pracy koncentruję się na elementach dydaktycznych w powieści Carla Collodiego „Pinokio” i adap...
This study aims to find out what changes are happening to the heroines when they are transform into ...
One of the most widely read books in the world, considered a metaphor for the human condition, and s...
In 1936, Alexei Tolstoy’s The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino was published, heralding the...
Animated feature films have been some of the most popular forms of entertainment in the past 90, alm...
La tesi si compone di due parti distinte, ognuna incentrata su due analisi, legate per la materia tr...
Winnie-the-Pooh is a universally known character. His friendly and cuddly appearance makes it easy f...
Mulan is a movie that has two versions in animation and live-action. This research aims to reve...
This work intends to analyze the manner in which the historical, social, and cultural changes have i...
Mass media has invaded the social culture in the last 100 years, and nowhere is this more prevalent ...
Our critical question is the following: apart from translations can films, television series, themat...
Why representing human being by artificial being? That is what do performing arts which stage Pinocc...