The Harjo Map: a tool with a feel for shared humanity

  • Reckford, David
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Publication date
September 2023
Presses universitaires de Vincennes


In a strategy to have a positive social, cultural, and educational effect during her poet laureateship, Joy Harjo (Creek/Muskogee) realized the open, on-line, interactive map, “Living Nations, Living Words: A Map of First Peoples Poetry,”1 making poetry from living, Indigenous Americans widely accessible, and making those poets feel part of an interlocking American cultural system, thus rejigging the image of the literary, sociological, and physical country to include Indigenous populations of valuable cultural specificity. The use of literature to develop more empathy, ties into a deepening of the vision of propitious Indigenous sides of American reality. We characterize Harjo’s poetry, defining the spirit guiding the map project. Then we ...

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