The genome annotation files of female and male Acrossocheilus fasciatus including genome structure files and genes function files.</p
Genome assembly of Quercus dentata. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (QD....
Genbank file containing the annotated genome of experimentally evolved Sodalis glossinidius strain C
The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collaborative effort that provides structured vocabularies for annotatin...
Annotation associated with genome sequencing of Peromyscus leucopus. Additional details are provided...
Genome annotation associated with the publication "Chromosome-level genome assembly of the Cape clif...
16,320 genes were annotated in the Falco mexicanus genome, this is the .gff file associated with the...
This file contains the genome annotation of the hamlet genome (Hypoplectrus puella)
Genome assembly of Quercus variabilis. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (...
Genome assembly of Quercus aliena. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (QA.c...
This is a project to annotate the genome of Thrips tabaci. In this project, the genes and proteins o...
Annotation features from the 1.9-fold whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequences of domestic cat have been...
Tab separated formatted spreadsheets of automated gene descriptions from the Alliance of Genome Reso...
pseudo-reference genomes for the 44 species included in this study and one outgroup; each file is an...
Annotation files and scaffolds for genomes generated for the Rockfish Genome Projec
The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collaborative effort that provides structured vocabularies for annotatin...
Genome assembly of Quercus dentata. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (QD....
Genbank file containing the annotated genome of experimentally evolved Sodalis glossinidius strain C
The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collaborative effort that provides structured vocabularies for annotatin...
Annotation associated with genome sequencing of Peromyscus leucopus. Additional details are provided...
Genome annotation associated with the publication "Chromosome-level genome assembly of the Cape clif...
16,320 genes were annotated in the Falco mexicanus genome, this is the .gff file associated with the...
This file contains the genome annotation of the hamlet genome (Hypoplectrus puella)
Genome assembly of Quercus variabilis. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (...
Genome assembly of Quercus aliena. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (QA.c...
This is a project to annotate the genome of Thrips tabaci. In this project, the genes and proteins o...
Annotation features from the 1.9-fold whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequences of domestic cat have been...
Tab separated formatted spreadsheets of automated gene descriptions from the Alliance of Genome Reso...
pseudo-reference genomes for the 44 species included in this study and one outgroup; each file is an...
Annotation files and scaffolds for genomes generated for the Rockfish Genome Projec
The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collaborative effort that provides structured vocabularies for annotatin...
Genome assembly of Quercus dentata. Here we shared the annotation files including CDS sequences (QD....
Genbank file containing the annotated genome of experimentally evolved Sodalis glossinidius strain C
The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collaborative effort that provides structured vocabularies for annotatin...