Se canta de 3:00 a 5:35 PM. Canto que dice, baile al otro lado del rio grande. (Casete original de Anastasia 12A-2). Este canto hace parte de la colección de cantos del ritual Yuakɨ Murui-Muina (ritual de frutas) del pueblo Murui, que fue realizada por la artista e investigadora Anastasia Candre Yamakuri con el cantor Alfonso Jimaido Jɨmuizɨtofe.It is sung from 3:00 to 5:35 PM. A chant that says, dance on the other side of the big river. (Anastasia’s original cassette 12A-2). This chant is part of the collection of chants from the Yuakɨ Murui-Muina (fruit ritual) of the Murui people, which was made by artist and researcher Anastasia Candre Yamakuri with singer Alfonso Jimaido Jɨmuizɨtofe.Audacit