The GW Ori system is a pre-main sequence triple system (GW Ori A/B/C) with companions (GW Ori B/C) at ∼1 AU and ∼8 AU, respectively, from the primary (GW Ori A). The primary of the system has a mass of 3.9 M⊙, but shows a spectral type of G8. Thus, GW Ori A could be a precursor of a B star, but it is still at an earlier evolutionary stage than Herbig Be stars. GW Ori provides us an ideal target for experiments and observations (being a "blown-up" upscaled Solar System with a very massive "sun" and at least two "upscaled planets"). We present the first spatially-resolved millimeter interferometric observations of the disk around the triple pre-main-sequence system GW Ori, obtained with the the Submillimeter Array, both in continuum and in th...