W tej rozprawie chodzi o ukazanie istotnej różnicy pomiędzy ekologami jako miłośnikami i stróżami przyrody a ekologistami względnie ekoterrorystami jako ideologami niszczącymi przyrodę. Ekolodzy szukają, poznają i miłują Boga jako Stwórcę kosmosu, natomiast ekologiści, względnie ekoterroryści, ulegają złudzeniom różnorakich bóstw i ostatecznie głupocie antyboskości, co odcina ich namysł nad człowiekiem i przyrodą od najważniejszej transcendentnej racji, którą jest Osobowy Stwórca wszechświata. Tenże Bóg jako Kreator odwdzięcza się prawemu, dobremu i pobożnemu człowiekowi za jego wierność i służbę względem Niego i Jego Boskich dzieł w postaci widzialnego stworzenia a nieprawego, złego czy niesprawiedliwego człowieka karze za jego błędne i za...
This paper provides an analysis of selected topics in the field of eco-ethics. The school should be ...
The article takes up the issues connected to the ecological crisis, causes of which refer to uncontr...
The concept of the balanced development idea caused a renewed view on the problems in the area of th...
In his teaching John Paul II paid a lot of attention to the subject of environmental protection. His...
In the article, the author is trying to find quintessential causes for the said errors, the article ...
Recently, relation between human being and nature is mainly that environmental resources are gained ...
Environmental protection is a field of law about interdisciplinary character, which using notions ty...
The point of departure for the reflections in this article was the premise that the ecological crisi...
Solutions to such an important problem as an ecological crisis should be sought to start with indica...
Today people seem to have endless consumption needs while the world we live in is finite with limite...
Issues of nature conservation, and socio-cultural movement called ecologism, are vivid becouse o f i...
The author presents in his article the following problems: the theo-centrical aspect of environmenta...
Anthropocentrism seems to be a fundamental notion concerning the man-nature relation. The anthropoce...
Systemy kanałów korzeniowych ludzkich zębów stałych wykazują ogromne zróżnicowanie. Nie zawsze w poj...
Work, which is an important form of human activity and a characteristic feature of our species, has ...
This paper provides an analysis of selected topics in the field of eco-ethics. The school should be ...
The article takes up the issues connected to the ecological crisis, causes of which refer to uncontr...
The concept of the balanced development idea caused a renewed view on the problems in the area of th...
In his teaching John Paul II paid a lot of attention to the subject of environmental protection. His...
In the article, the author is trying to find quintessential causes for the said errors, the article ...
Recently, relation between human being and nature is mainly that environmental resources are gained ...
Environmental protection is a field of law about interdisciplinary character, which using notions ty...
The point of departure for the reflections in this article was the premise that the ecological crisi...
Solutions to such an important problem as an ecological crisis should be sought to start with indica...
Today people seem to have endless consumption needs while the world we live in is finite with limite...
Issues of nature conservation, and socio-cultural movement called ecologism, are vivid becouse o f i...
The author presents in his article the following problems: the theo-centrical aspect of environmenta...
Anthropocentrism seems to be a fundamental notion concerning the man-nature relation. The anthropoce...
Systemy kanałów korzeniowych ludzkich zębów stałych wykazują ogromne zróżnicowanie. Nie zawsze w poj...
Work, which is an important form of human activity and a characteristic feature of our species, has ...
This paper provides an analysis of selected topics in the field of eco-ethics. The school should be ...
The article takes up the issues connected to the ecological crisis, causes of which refer to uncontr...
The concept of the balanced development idea caused a renewed view on the problems in the area of th...