In a devastating instant at Hiroshima, the world was propelled into the age of nuclear armaments. This ABC News program is anchored by Peter Jennings. Set against the backdrop of World War II, it documents the race to invent the atomic bomb: the allied scientists who made it possible, the technological hurdles they overcame, the deep moral issues they confronted, and the responsibility they accepted?knowingly or unknowingly?for the fate of the free world. (42 minutes, color
Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Susan Lever, ChemistryFollowing the end of World War II, Pres...
The concept of utilizing the weapons of war to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind is as old as c...
Flyer claims the atom bomb is the first scientific proof of a power that lives in people. Also claim...
The psychological damage inflicted by the stupefying bombardments of World War I was called shell sh...
The atomic age was thrust upon the world when the United States military, backed by the highest leve...
How did Adolf Hitler?an Austrian of little means and meager prospects?rise to absolute power in post...
Following the massive destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the end of Second World War, the atom...
The program was produced for Background Briefing, ABC Radio Nationalâs flagship investigative journa...
With the destruction of Hiroshima, American society had to face up to the deep implicat...
Every morning at 8:15 AM, a clock in Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park sounds as a reminder to new gen...
At the beginning of this atomic age Einstein once remarked, The unleashed power of the atom has cha...
This thesis examines aspects of the British nuclear tests in Australia to draw conclusions about the...
The Berlin Olympics, August 14, 1936. German rowers, dominant at the Games, line up against America\...
During World War II, the lives of millions of Americans lay precariously in the hands of a few brill...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Susan Lever, ChemistryFollowing the end of World War II, Pres...
The concept of utilizing the weapons of war to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind is as old as c...
Flyer claims the atom bomb is the first scientific proof of a power that lives in people. Also claim...
The psychological damage inflicted by the stupefying bombardments of World War I was called shell sh...
The atomic age was thrust upon the world when the United States military, backed by the highest leve...
How did Adolf Hitler?an Austrian of little means and meager prospects?rise to absolute power in post...
Following the massive destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the end of Second World War, the atom...
The program was produced for Background Briefing, ABC Radio Nationalâs flagship investigative journa...
With the destruction of Hiroshima, American society had to face up to the deep implicat...
Every morning at 8:15 AM, a clock in Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park sounds as a reminder to new gen...
At the beginning of this atomic age Einstein once remarked, The unleashed power of the atom has cha...
This thesis examines aspects of the British nuclear tests in Australia to draw conclusions about the...
The Berlin Olympics, August 14, 1936. German rowers, dominant at the Games, line up against America\...
During World War II, the lives of millions of Americans lay precariously in the hands of a few brill...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Susan Lever, ChemistryFollowing the end of World War II, Pres...
The concept of utilizing the weapons of war to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind is as old as c...
Flyer claims the atom bomb is the first scientific proof of a power that lives in people. Also claim...