Bound in purple cloth; printed paper label on spine.Biographical sketch. Some thoughts on the genius of William Hazlitt, by the author of 'Eugene Aram.' Thoughts upon the late William Hazlitt, by Mr. Sergeant Talfourd. Character of Hazlitt, by Charles Lamb. Sonnets [to the memory of Hazlitt] Essays: Project for a new theory of civil and criminal legislation. Definition of wit. On means and ends. Belief, whether voluntary? Personal politics. On the writings of Hobbes. On liberty and necessity. On Locke's Essay on the human understanding. On Tooke's 'Diversions of Purley.' Essays: On self-love. On the conduct of life; or, Advice to a school-boy. On the fine arts. The fight. On want of mondy. On the feeling of immortality in youth. The main-ch...