Kelurahan Masjid is one of the strategic locations in the spread of Islamic dakwah because of its strategic location in the middle of the city. The Mosque Community with different organizational backgrounds, namely Muhammadiyah and NU, worship in four different mosques, but all four are active mosques in the field of organization, namely: Raya Al Maksum Mosque Medan, Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque of Mahkamah, Ar Raudha Mosque and An Nazhafah Mosque . The majority of the people who cover the environment are Muhammadiyah people. The Muhammadiyah community in that environment tends to carry out worship activities at the Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque of Mahkamah. Likewise with the NU community who carry out worship activities at the Ar Raudha and ...